i^'*j5iV':]',i '*■■'' •llfim;;i;iti,i- mm^^m, #fliv 'EW'^' Of2_ (20^ ffr^j^ BOOK 520.W656D c. 1 WILKINS » DISCOVERY OF WORLD IN MOONE 3 T1S3 0D127SSD ^ This "OP Book" Is an Ai THoRrzn) Ri i'rini oi iiii OkuiiNAL Edition, Prodickd b\ MicROFiLM-XF.ktK.RAiin in Ummrsiia iNficROFii.Ms. Ixc, .\nn Arbor, Michk.an, 19()1 i»t» ■. ■ ■ '•■.1 .mmMmfl!WBII!'!'^**-^^if'i^WW**'*-' ^rt- d^:^ J . t, " v./ v./ . i •y >•* , ■ •• '-'1 • JL /i l Mwnmampwvi ■|P|if|P»g||WH>l>ll|M II "W»-"' DISCOVERY OF A IV V %j?i\LD IN THE MOONE. «.ijiiii.imjM»).n»» ADISCOVRSE Tending TO PROVE, that 'tis probable there raay be another habitable WorM in that Planet. II >t I A it ^jii ■» »i 111 ill ^id tibi inquif ifta prodernnt ^ Si nihil dind , hoc certCo jciam omnia angujia e£e* S E N E C A. Praef.ad i. Lib. N. ^ "" — 1 T Mr " ' " I 1 - 11 1 -c»tr> <^'^ ♦^ *tJ^ ■^'* Printed by E.G.for Michael Sparke and Edward Fomft^ i6^S. Jl Vcrlegi hac ^^^<>%'^ ^ noyitafisgracia ty^ pis mandari Per- mitto. Mart. 29. 1638. THO.WEEKESH.r. ^pifc. Loud. Cap. <^ ♦^^ / [S^lj>yfipi»;niii|iiiipi To the Reader. f^SiF amoHg^ thy leifurt hoHur thoH cay J} hJjB ffihif dtjcourfc^ and dfjfl hoke ioji?ide fomervhat h it which may f^tv? f^-f thy information and bene ft • at '/;hxis^feemts to he of the nature of 4 river ofjlre^me^which carrteth dovpHe to Hi that r^htch ii light^or hlorvh'e up^ butJiK^I(eih thdt which is Vftiiltysndjolid. It u my dejire thai hy the occajt^ en #/ this dfcourfe, I r?2ay raife up feme more active ^irit to a parch after ':/' The Epiftic, See. afier other hidden and Unknownt irttthesi Sinct it mttfl netdei be a great impediment unto the gromh offciences, formenjltU fitoflodon ufon beaten principles, as to be afiaid of entertaining amy thing thatma} feeme to contradtQ them. Anm. wiBmgnelfetotakefMch things into examination ^is one cfthofe erroursof learning in thefe times obferved b) thejudicient Vcru 1 atr. ^mfiion. lejfi tbert are many fecret trmkj whtcb the ancients'havepjjfedover, that are jet left to make fome ofcul age famous for their difcovcry. Ifly this eccafton 1 may provoke any readtr to an attempt of this nj. ttire, I (hall then thinke my felfe bsppy^and this workef„ccejJcfull. Farctt'ell. TheFirft PropoGcion, by way of Preface. That the (fraffgemjfe of this opu nhn U no [u^ctmt reafon n>hy it Jbould he reje&edi becaufc ether ctrtaitit truths have he»e formerly e/fcemcd ridiculous ^and great abfurdities enicrtaynedby common confent. Here is an earnefl- nefle and hunge- ring after novelty 5 which doth ftiJl adhere unto all our natures, and it is part of that primatjveimagej that wide ex- tent and infinite capacity at firll created in the heart of nian^ for this fince its depravation in B Ad^m -i /' II I I mwmfm^^ J Adam perceiving it fclfe altoge- ther emptied of any good doth now catch after every new thing conceiving that poflibly it may finde Huisfaftion among fome of its fellow creatures. But our enemy the divell (who (trivcs ftill to pervert our gifts ^ and bcate us with our owne wea- pons ) hath fo contriv'd it^ that any truth doth now feeme dif- J taftefiill for that very reafon^ for which crrour is entertainM- Novelty , for let but fome up- ftart herefie be fct abroach^ and prefently there are fome out of a curious humour ; others^ as if they watched an occafion of fin- gularicy, will take it up for ca- nonicall ^ and make it part of their creede and profcflion;- ivhcreas folitary truth cannot nny where finde fo ready enter- tainemcnt; but the fame Novelty which is cfteemed the commen- dation of errour and makes that acceptable, is counted the fault of :% . oja new World. 5 oftruth 5 and caiifts that to bee rejefted. How did the incredu- Iciis World gaze at Colnmbuf when hee promifed to discover another part of the earthy and he could not for a longtime by his confidence^or argunients.^induce any of theChriltian Princes^ei- ther to aflcnt unto his opinion^ or goe to the charges of an ex- periment. Now if he who had fiich good grounds for his afler- tion^ could finde no better en- tertainement among the wiler fort ^ and upper end of the World ^ 'tis not likely then that this opinion which I now dcli- ver^ (hall receive any thing from the men of thefe daics./f| ecially our vulgar wits ^ but misbelicfe or derilion. It hath alw lies becne the unhappineflc of new truths in Philofophy^ to be de- rided by thofe that are igno- rant of the caules of things, and reiefted by others whofe pcr- vcrfcnefle ties them to the con- B_2 trary \. W.J. f, 1 7. Tbe difcoipery ^i>7't,x. trary opinion, men whofcenvi- ous pride will not alloiv any new thing for truth which they themfelvcs were not the firft in- ventors of. So that I may juftly cxpeft to be accufed of a prag- maticall ignorance, and bold oftentation, efpcrially iincefor this opinion Xmfhmes , a man whofe authority was able to adde fome credit to his afTcrti- on could not cfcape the like cen- fiirc from others. For N^tah Cemet fpcaking of that Philo- fopher, and this his opinion, laith thus, Nonnulli ne nihil fitffe videantur ^ aliqtfa mva moKJlra in Ptii^^ffhiaintroducufit^utalicuJHs re: invrntores fuijfe afparcant. Some ^^ there arc who lealt they might ^ fccme to know nothing, ^vilI ^^brmg up monfh-ous abltirdi- ^jKSmPhilofophy, thatfoaf- ^teru'ard they may bee famed Jor the invention of fomewhat. 1 ne lame author doth alfo in a- nother place accufl- j^naxagorai of il of a new World. of folly for the fame opinion^ Ejl etiim mn ignobilis gradus finU titUy vel fi nefctoi qf*id die as , tamen velk ds rebHs propo/itis ha^c vel illam partem fiabiltrc. *' 'Tis none of the worlt kindes of folly 5 boldly to affirme one lide or other^when a man knows notvchattofay. If thcfe men were thus cen- fur'd 5 I may iuftly then expeft to be derided by moft^ and to be believed by few or none^efpeci- ally fince this opinion feemes to carry in it (bmuch ftrangc- nefle^ lb much contradiftion to the gcnerall consent of o- thers. But how ever^I am relbl- ved that this fhall not be any difcouragementj fincc I know that it is not the common opi- nion of others that can either addeor detraft from the truth. For^ 1. Other truths have beenc for- merly elteemed altogether as ridiculous as this can be, B 3 2 Grofle Tbe difcoyery 2 Grofle abfiirdities have bcene entertained by ge- nerall opinion. I fhall give an inftance of cach^ that (6 1 may the better prepare the Reader to confidcr things without a prejudice^ whenhee (hall fee that the common op- petition againft this which I affirme cannot any way dero- gate from its truth. I. Other truths have beene formerly accounted as ridicu- lous as thiSj I (hall fpecifie that ofthe Antipodes 5 which have bccne denied and laught at by many wife men and great Schol- Icrs^ Ciich as VJtreHerodoiuf fSt. Bcde^Lncretiui the Poct^ Procofi^ «/, and the voluminous ^/;»/tf«- ps with others. Hcrodntzpf coun- ted it fo horrible an abfurdity^ that hce could not forbeare laughing to thinkeof it. U\o,Ji ^ I cannot chooft but laughj ^'* (faith hey to fee lb many men ^* venture to defcribe the earths ^ compafle^relating thofc things "that are without all ienfe^ as ^*^that the Seaflowes about the ^^ World 5 and that the earth it ^^ felfe is round as an Orbe. But this great ignorance is not fo much to be admired in him 5 as in thole learneder men of later timeSj when all fcicnces began toflourifhin the World. Such was Saint yiujltn who cenfures that relation of the Antipodes to be an incredible fable ^ and with him agrees the eloquent LaBantius , quid illi ijtii ejfe con" trdrios vtfttgiu ncjlris Antipodes futant? num aliquld loquuntttr ? ant cji qutjpjam tam inc^ttu, qui cndat ejfc homims^ qHornm v^fii^ gist fnnt fupertora ^ttain cspita? ant ibi qu^ apnd nos jjtcent inver^ .. B4 ft De tivlt. cap* ?• InjiitaULh 8 I The difcoyery J4 fender e ? fruges & Arhures deor-^ fum verff4s crefcere , ffuvias (^ nU ves y & gtandimm Jkrjum verfus cadere in urram ? (^ miratur altquU honor fenfiUs inter feptem miranarrarr^qUTimFhilofoph$j & ^gYds & Maria, ^ urUs eJ* momes f e*^ files jaciunO.cfrc. What(raith '^^ he) are they that thinke there ^^ are Antipodes, fuchasvvalke "with their feet agaiait oiirs> ^Moe they fpeakc any^^liktly- *^* hood ? or is there any one io ^^ fooIi(h as to believe that there are men whole hceles arc high- ^^er than their heads > that "^'things which with us doe lie ^ on the ground doe hang there? ^Jthat the Plants and Trees "^'grow downcwards, that the '^ haile^and raine, and fnow hW '^ upwards to the earth ? and ^^doc wee admire the hanging Orchards amongft the levcn Svonders^ whereas here the ^^ Philoibphers have made the '^ Field and Seas, the Cities and Mouii- 1 of a new World. ^ Moiint?.ines han^,ing. What " (hall wee thinke ( faith hec in ^lutAtck^ that men doeclyng to that place like wormes ^ or hang by their clawes as Cats, or if wee fuppole a man a little beyond the Center ^ to bee dig- ging with a fpade ? is it like- ly (as it nni{t bee according to this opinion ) that the earth which hth loofoied ^ fhoiild of it felfe alcend upwards ? or elfe liippole two men with their middles about the center, the feete of the one being placed wheic the head of the other is^ and fo two other men' crofle thcnij yet all thefc men thus iV tuated according to thisop'ni- on fliould Itand upright, and many other fuch grofle con(e- quences would follow ( faith hee ) which a talie imagination is not able to fancy as poffible. Upon which confidcrations, j^g^atl Bcdc alic) denies the being of any ! tetrpfumy Antipodes , N^a^ enim j^ntipoda- 1 Caf.ji^ rum one «v"M>«*nnN>>*>iv" CttttWCftLSJI Pf2L24.2. Comment* m I. Ga.cf. Tfsvt ntiate^tfs eft Fabulu accammo^ dand^s ^jfstifus , Nor fhould wee "any longer aflent to the Fable ^^ of Antipodes.So alio LucraiHS the Pcct fpeaking of the fame fijbjefV^faycs : Std vanus polidb bde owmUpnxerlt error. That fbme idle fancy faigned thefefor fooles to believe. Of this opinion was Vrocopius Ga-^ z^d&j ^but he was perfwaded to it by another kinde of reafbn ; for he thought that all the earth un- der us was liinkc in the water^ according to the faying of the P/almift, Hee hath founded the Earth upon the Seas 5 and there- fore hee accounted it not inhabi- ted by any. Nay 7"^/?j/«janian of later yecres andgenerall ]ear- I rjngdothalfo confidently deny that there are any iiichAntipo- des, though the reafon which hee urges for it bee not To abliu'de as theformer/or the Apoftles/aith hee^travelieJ through the whole habi- i ^--. of a nevp World, habitable world^ but they never pafled the Equinoftlall ; and if yon anfwcr that they are faid to goe through all the earth, be- caufe thjcy went through all the knowne world, hcerepLes, that this is not (iifticient, fince Chrift would have all men to be faved, and come to the know- ledge of his truth, and therefore 'tis requifite that they (hould have travelled thither alfo, if there had been any inhabitants^ cfpecially fince he did cxprcfle- ly command them to goe and teach all nations, and preach the Gofpell through the whole world, and therefortrhe thinkes that as there arc no men, fo nei- ther a r(^ there (eas, or rivers, or any other convcniency for ha- bitation : 'tis commonly related of one ^i^^iliufj that he was ex- communicated and condemned for a Hcrctiqne by Ziebary Bi- fliop of ^ow?, becaufe heewas not of the iame opinion! But 1 1 •fci" I Tira.1.4* Mat.iS.i^ f/ cLf. 4. u. The Difcoy>ery Baroniuf fliics, it Was becaufe hee thought there was another ha- bitable world within ours.How ever, you may well cnoiigli dif- cerne in thcfe examples how confident many of thcfe great Schollars were in fo groflc an crrotir, how imlikely, what an incredible thing it fecmed to i them, that there fhonid be any ' Antipodes, and yet now this truth IS as certaine and plaine,as fenft or demonftration can make i It. 1 his then which I now deli-! yer IS not to be rejeftcd, lliough \ It may fceme to contradift the common opinion. 2. GrofTe abfurditics have Bccne entertained by general! confcnt. I micht inftance 'in jHi^iny ixmarkcable examples, 'btitlwill oncly fpeakcof the iuppofcd labour ot the Moonc I in her eclipfc?, becaufe this is nccrc-a to the chiefc matter in I hand,. and wus received as a common opinion aniongft ma- ny ,^ C-^ 4 W./"^- «/'.T.V, I < «hyi«.. k^ %i«W-l W i foreP-^^^^ :pe:l^:ru: or •iLu--; nao' eclipse, rc.U:(hf., :.h:i: it uich; time? Va'T^s 2 :'u./i-\T.c ^^nuMi^tt; the T<:-m.jr.i: .the nic^t civil! ^iixi; learnri re: pit :n ihe v;orU^- :o louna d:2:.:c Iritrunxnis^ ariti" hold g:ei: lorciiea toward ihei heiven. "^*^* :' ^^y^^^ ,'---^5:?^-??- /.>av-- ' - C '^-f fi/ T/ 71, TV £ j: t; V.a /« . 4 "f A : i^ fp /a ;.::/ > i/i ;^ > t^^'T -y^t ; 7?-? «£^ ^ : i-. * torbyihi? mc^ncithcy luppo- led the McHTincwas much eiicd in her Libcur5,rjid thcrforc Odd call? iTich lend Imrriinicnis the auxiliaries or helpcs of th^' Moone. and therefore the Satyrid too defcribing a loud icokUaies^ (he was able to make nolle enough to deliver the labouring Moone. | ig^^^stt.6 \ ^/fa UborantipoiO it f:i^r:iy^C7CL'in€ Mc^^^L^ thei Now the reafon of all this ^ \va^ becaulc , ir ceremonie. I they feared the world would lall j ailccjH', 1 rmHni|P(wi|iM wMnn|i>Hyi^|lliiriii|ini|i|Ji|ii'Hii;il.i,i I pililJJ]iBi|ffllWPWfPlii»'"***'^^^ivP''^ ' 14 The di[co ipery afleepe^ when one of its eyes be- gan to winke^and therefore they would doc what they could by loud ibunds to roufe it from its drowlinefle, and keepe it awake by bright torches^to bcftow that light upon it which \t began to loie. Some of them thought hereby to keepe the Moone in her orbe^ whereas otherwife flic would have fallen downe upon the earthy and the world would have loft one of its lights^ for the credulous people believed^ that Inchanters^ and Witches could bring the Moone downe^, which made f^jr^i/ lay 5 Ca4tuA& e coslo fojfunt dcducin lunsim. And thole Wizards knowing the times of her eclipfcs^ would I then threaten t3 fliew their skill, by pulling her out of herorbe. So that when the filly multitude faw that flie began to lookered, they prcfently feared they fliould lofe the benefit of her light, and therefore made a great noife that flie (he might not heare the (bund of thole Charnies , which would otherwife bring her downe, and this is rendered for a reafon of this cuftome by Vlir;y and Prc^ pertfHf: Cantw & cciiYYu luvam deducere tentant, Et fauycnt^finon ara refulfafoncnu Pht^rch gives another reason of it^and he fayes, 'tis becaiiie they would haftenthe Mooneoutof the darke (hade wherein (hee was involv'djthat fo fhe might bring away the foules of thofe Saints that inhabit within her ^ which cry out by reafon they are then deprived of their wonted happi- neflcj and cannot heare the mu- licke of the Spheares^but are for- ced to behold the tornicntSjand wailing of thofe damned foules which are rcprefented to them as they are tortured in the region oftheaire, but whether this or whatever clfewasthe meaning of this fuperftition, yet certain- ly 'twas a very ridiculous cu- I {tome, , t rmwa NafMft. m m Slim 16 E{lfc. ■-^ The dijco ^ery Itome^ and bewrayed a great ig- norance of thofe ancient times ^ c(pecially fince it was not onely ;[ received by the vulgar^ iuchas! were men of Icfle note and Icar- ning^ but believed al/b^ by the j more famous and wifcr lbrt)iuchl| as were thofe great Pocts^ Stt^i$, chorus and Pindar. And not one- ly amongrt the more fottifli hea- thens 5 who might account that Planet to be one of their Gods^ but the primitive ChriiHansal- fo were in this kindc guilty; which made S. Ambrofe fj tartly to rebuke thofe of his timc^ when he laid^ lum turbjttircar- f^irnhfu Globus Lun^^qnanda cs^ licihus turbjmHr & ojuli. When ^^your heads are troubled with ^^cups^ then you thinke the Moonc to be troubled with ^^charmes. And for this reafon alfo did C:^axim»f a Bifhop, write a Homily againa it, wherein hce flicwed the abfurditie of that foohfli of a nexo World. I - foolifli (iiperftition. I renieiTi- bcr^ that L^dov$cPU Z^ives relates a more ridiculous (lory of a pec- pb that imprifonedan Afletbi" drinking up the Moonc^ whofc iniagje appearing in the water w;.s covered with a cloud, as the Aflc w^s drinking^ for which the poore beaft was afterward brought to thebaiTd to ttCQwt a fcntence according to his de- ferts^ where the grave Senate be- ing (ct to examine the nVattcr, one of the Counfcll (perhaps vvifcr than the reft) rifes up^ and out of his deepe judgement^ thinkes it not tit that their Tov/nc fhould lofe its Moone^ but that rather the AfTe Ihould be cut up^ and that taken out or him;, which fcntence bciiig ap- proved by the reft of thoiePo- liticians^ as the fubtiJIeft way tor the conchition of the niatrc'' Was accordingly performed. But whether this talc werctiue orholvvillnot quefti' n^ h.AV C ever 17 V, -i^ mn^*^ i8 The Difconjery - ■<..- — w— « ever there is abfurdity enough in that former cuftome of the an- cientSj that may confirme the truth to be proved, and plainly declare the infufficiency of com- mon opinion to adde true worth or eftimation unto any thing. So that from that which I have faid may be gathered thus much. 1. That anew truth may feeme abfiu'd and impolTiblc not onely to the vulgar^ but to thole al(b who are othervvife wi(e men^and excellent fchol- lers; and hence it will follow, that every new thing which feemes to oppofc common Principles is not pre(ently to be rcjcftedj but rather to be pry'd into with a diligent enquiry, fince there are ma- ny tlings which are yet hid from us, and referv'd for fu- ture difco very, 2. That it is not the common- neffe of an opinion that can priviledge it tor a truth, the wrone wrong way is (bmetinie a well beaten path 5 whereas the right way (eipecially to hidden truths) may bceleflc trodden and more oblcure. True indeed, the ftrangcnefTe of this opinion willdetraft much from its credit^but yet we (hould know that nothing is in itsfclfe ftrange^ fince every naturallef-' feft has an equal! depcndancc upon its caule^ and with the like neceifity doth follow from it, (b that 'tis our ignorance which makes things appe.n^e/bj and hence it comes to pa/Te that many more evident truths ftemc incredible to fuch who know not the caufes of things : you may as foone perlwade (bme Country pea(ants that the Moonc is made of ereene Chcefe (as wee fayj as that 'tis bigger than his Cart-whe:lc^fince both feeme equally tocontradift his light , and hcc lias not rcafon e- nough to Icadc him farther than C 2 his mi*>?^«>/ he commended them for uchamajcftickeiHJcasmmht becomeaGod, but withall hee ccnfiired that manner of writing tobevcryunrittingforaPhiJo- opher becaufe there tvas no- hing proved in them, but mat- tcrs vverc delivered as if they Pciivvadcbeliefe. And 'tis ob- a-vedthatheefctsdowneno-, ungh.mieJk-butheconfirmcs « by the ftrongelf reafons that may be fo„nd,there being fcarce jn argument of force for any ! n a^"^ "\ ^'^''o%hy which r'^^ynot bee picked out of his iMMittitiiMi gjj^,H,jm^^BI*'fjf1^»i..«irti»taiw 11 'iMii*'»-nulMiiMBi^ ofane-9i>World. ^5 his writings , and therefore 'tis liRelyif there were inreafona necelfity gt* one onely world^ that hoe WQuld have found out foire fuch neceflary proofc as might confirmc it : EipcciaJly lince hee labours for it ibmuch in two whole Chapters. But now all the arguments which he himfelfe urges in this fubjca, ^^ cs^k arc very weake and farre enough , i i. c 8. ^. from having in them any con- vincing power. Therefore 'tis likely that a pUiratity of worlds doth not contradift any princi- ple of reafon. HoweverJ will fetdowncthe twochiefeof his arguments from his ownc workes^and from them you may gucfle the force of the other. Tl]4' I is this^fmce every heavy ^bid. body doth naturally tend down- wards^ and every light body up- wards^ what a hudling and con- fuhon muft there bee if there were two places for gravity and ^ aces for lightncffc: for it IS De Cslo IS probable that the Earth of :that other World would fall downe to this Center 5 and fo mutually the aire and tire here alcend to thofe R^egions in the 'other, which muft needes much derogate from the providence ot nature, andcaufea great dif- order in his workes. To this ■ I anfwere , that if you will con- iider the nature of gravity, you will plainely fee there is no ground to feareanyfiich confu- lion, for heavineflTe is nothing clle but fuch a quality as caufes a propenfion in 'its fubjeft to tend downcwards towards its owne Centre , fo tli^t for fbnie of that earth to come hither would not bee laid a fall but an afcenlion ^ iince it moved from its owncpl.ice, and this would ' bee impolTible ( faith Ruvi) ) bccaule againft nature, and thcrctore no more to bee fea- red than the falling of the Hea- vens. Another I ^^HT- iltM^iiteMuAMIIMiMMMMMMH Another Argument hee had from his 'rafter "^Uto^ that there is but one Worldjbecaule there is but one firft mover^God. But here I may deny the con- fequcnce, fince a plurality of worlds doth not taKc avv.iy the unity of the firlt mover. Vt ^- nim forma JHh(l antiaiU^ficfUfhu^ and thefe Arguments more fully anfwered by P///- tan h 11^ his Booke (why Ora- cles arelllcnt) and //ico^ Car^ fentanus in his conmient on y^A But our oppofitcs the Inter- preters themfelves^ ( who too of- ten doe j/^r^re ^*« vtyba magiflri) will grant that there is not any ftrcne;th fifetaphyr lib.}. Pb:lofop. / i i The D//coyery ] Imcii^* ftrength in thefc confequences,; and ceitainely their ruchweakc; arguments could not convince! that wife Philofopher^ whoini his other ophiions was wont to bee fwayedbythe ftrength and power of reafon : wherefore I mould rather thinke that he had fomc by-refpeft, which made him firft aflent to this opinion,^ and afterwards ft rive to prove[ it. Perhaps itwasbecaufe hee[ feared to difpleafe his fchollei; Alexander fii whom 'tis related^ that he wept to heare a difputa4 tion of another world, {met hc| had not then attained the Mo-t narchy of this^ his reltJeilc wide^ hea-t would havecfteemed thisf GJobeof Earth not bigenough| for him, if there had bcene ano-l? jthcr^ which made the Satynft' I layofhinij I JEfiuiit infxiix ajiguflo limife trundu I ^^ That he did vexe himfelfc and ^fweate in his delires.as beina pcnd up in a narrow roonie, wheni, ' • — " — i II imxiiwi I 1,11 . ~ - - „. - *^ -l ' '" ■'"H.i'ti-J iijii^^J— w— I I I-- * o/an^T0WoM ^Svhcn hee was confinM but to ^^ one world. Before he thought tofeate hirafelfe next the Gods, but now when hce had done his beftj hec muft be content with fomc equalJ^ or perhaps fupcri- our Kings. It may be^that AriJfatUwas' moved to thisopinion^ that hee might thereby taKe from Alexan- der the occ^don oi\his fcarcand difcontent^ or elfe^, perhaps^ Jrijlotle himfelfe Was as loth to hold the pofTibility of a world which he could not diicover. as Alexander was tO heare of one vvhich he could not conquer. Tis likely that ibmc iiich by-re- fpcft moved him tothisopini- on^ fince the arguments he urges ^ for it are confeft by his zealous ' followers and conimentators^ to I be veiy Height and frivolous.and they thcmlelves grant.whatlam nowtoprove^ that there rs nor any evidence in the lighrof na- tural!, rcaloa, which can (nffici- '^ cncly \ 3^^ Til ^■««a:iii«*«^i^i«i»m-' apologia pro Ethlc^U !• ^^^^'^^ cntly manifcll that there is but one world. But however fomc may oh- jeft, would it not be inconveni- ent and dangerous to admit of fuch opinions that doe deilroy thofc principles of Arifiotle^ which all the world hath fo loni^ followed ? This qucltion is much con- troverce i by the Kowijlo Divines; Camf^ncUa hath writ aTreatife^ in defence of it , in whom you may fee many things worth the reading and notice, Toitlanfwcrj that this po- fitionin Phiiofophyj doth not brhig any inconvenience to the reftj fince tis not Arifioik^ but truth that fhould be the rule of ouropinions^ and if they be not both found toge.her^ wee may fay to him ^ as hee laid to his Mafter Tlato diJL<;clvy^ov'niLv ^/acii^, omv z^Jif/^v rlw a Aj)^e<:ii/- Though Plato were his friend ^ yet hce "would rather adhere to truth than him. I cc I S' of ancypWorld. M I muft needs grant^ that wee \ are all much beholden to the in- ] dnftry of the ancient Philo(b-| pherSj and more e(pecially to\ Arijloile^ for the greater part of j our learnings but yet tisnotin-j gratitude to fpeakeagahirt hini^l when hec oppofcth truth 5 for| then many of the Fathers would I be very guilty^ efpecially It^ftin^ I who hath writ a Treatife pur-i ^ofely againft him. I But fuppofe this opinion were I falfe^ yet 'tis not againft the] faithj and fo it may iervc for | the better confirmation of that | which is true ; the fparkes of | crrourj being forcM out by op- 1 pofition^ as the fparkes of fire^ | by the ftriking of the flint an(i| fteele. But fuppofe too that ic \ were heretical]^ and againft the! faith^ yet may it be admitted \ witli the fame privilcdgc as -^^- ! ^ijlotU^ from whom mmv more | dangerous opinions have pro- j ceedcd : as that the world is j ctern.:!!-, j y. .^- Rev. i^.^. The Difcolpery etcrualj^ that God cannot have while to looke after thcieinfe- riour things^ that after death there is no reward or pimifh- ment, and inch like blasphemies, which Itrike direftly atthefim-l damentalls of our Religion. !; So that it isju(tly tobewon-l dred why (bme fhould be (b 111- 1; 'pcrllitious in the(e daies^ asto|: Itickecloieruntohimj than fii>| to Scripture^ as if his PhiIo(b-l phy were the onely foundation I; of all divine truths. I Upon thefe grounds both S^* I ( as I have feene theni quoted'^ It thinkc that Anflotle was the viol " of Gods wrath^ which was pow- red out upon the waters of Wiic- . dome by the third Angel 5 Butf ^or my part, I thinke the'^ world is much beholden to ArU liotle lor all it fcienccs. But yet twere a fhame for thefe later am to reit our lelves meercly upon the labours of our Fore-tathers 1^. ■3 as i L^ as if ihey had informed us of all things to be knowne, an^ when wee arc fct upon their fhouJders^ not CO fee further then they them* felvesdid. 'TwereafuperlHtiouSj ^Imcopmontothhkc /Jri/}Qfiffj workcs the bounds and iimics of ail humane invention^ beyond which there couW be oo poffibi* lity of reaching. G*:rtainly there are yet many things left to difco- very, and it cannot beanyinco> venicnce for us, to maintaine a new truth, or reftitic an ancient errour. Bat the poficion fay (bme) is dlrcftly againft Scrij^ture, for I. Mojes tells us but of one world, and his Hiflory of the crea- tion had bcene very impcrfeft if God had made smother, 2. Siioty^/^/^fpeakingofGcds workeJ^, /aics he made the world;, i^ the fingular number, and there- fore there is but one : Ms the ar- gnment oi Aquinas , and he thinks that none will oppofe it;, bucfuch D vvho 47* Art- j. JJl 34 AnnalEccU A.D. 748, Ibid, I The DifcQ• - If nifmiMMaiMitfT'— '^•~*"'-~*'''**'^'*'**'*'****'* sstacsaaiiii^MMiiiiii we canooc conceive how it might any way belong cither to the Hi- ftoricall exege»icall or prophcti-. call parts of it : nor is it his intent in the oldTeftamcnt^ as is well obferved by our Countrey-man Mafter Wright, '^oh AJufi; am Propbetarum injiitnttim fuiffe videtuT Adathem4ticai alitjHas aut Phyficas fuhtHiestes pwrnufgare^ fed ad vulgi cafthtn & hquendi morem qHemadmodum nutrices in^ faKtHli<% folent feft accommorUi'e. '**ns not the endeavour of iJ/.j7/e/ ^* or the Prophets torSifcovcrany ^^ M^themacicall or Philofophicall ^' rubtiltie.%but rather to accomo- ^^ date themfelves to vulgar capa- ^^ cities, ami ordinary fpeech, as ^^nurfcs arc wont to u(e ihcir infants. True indec^'e, Aiofcs {% dierc fohaodlethcbiftory ot the Creation, bur Ms ubfcrved chat he does not any where meddle wich fuch m<^t?er8 as were v«ry hard co beapprehcnded^ for being coin- j iormj the common people as well D 3 as In Oilhtru " '' ' "litMllMinin |||i l_li Jj^l^'"^ iiliiiii (i igM«Mii ■^.V "> Parti. Q^ 68. Art.3. The difcoloery Gen, r.i(^. k v*u \ ;< C ') r C-okV A' as oxbersj he does it after a vulgar way, as ic is commonly notcd3 de- daring the originall chiefely o[ thofe things which were obviour to the fenfe, and being filent o( o?hrr thirds, which thqn could not well bi apprehended. Adl therefore yiqumat obfervcs, thai Mcfcj writes nothing of the aire, bwC4ufe that being invifible, the people knew not whether tficrj were any fuch body or no* Anf for this very reafon Saint Aijlii allbihinkes that there is nochinf expreft concerning the creatioc! of Angels which notwichftandinj" are as remarkable parts of M creatures, andasfictobeknovvpe| as another world. And thereforf the Holy Ghoft too ufcs fuctl vulgar expredions which m things forch rather as they 3pi pearc, ihen as they are, :s wbeo: he calls the Mooneoneof the grcaj M)tcr lights CD'. Vn-^n riSK^'l Vk'htreai cistfieleall', butoneifiai wee can (ee in the whole heavens So; >^«-^-y»wi- - - irtiiriiWi iiiiiiiiilii ■lltllliM^tftffiihfVT'^i^'*^**'*''*'"'*'''''" of a neyfi World, mtm So afterwards fpcaking of the great raine which drowned the worldj he fties^ the windowes of heaven were opened ^ becaufe it feemed to come with thac vio- lence, as if it were, poured out from windows in the Firmament. So that the phrafcs which the Holy Ghoft ules concerning thcfe things are not to be underrtood in a licerall fenfe ; bur rather as vulgar exprtdiociS, and this rule is fetdowne by Saint Juflh^ where fpeaking concerning that in the Pftlme, Tpho (iretched the earth upon the npaters^ hcc notes, that w»jcn the words of Scripture fliall feeme to contradift common f^infe or experience, there are they ro be underftood in a quahfied fenft, and not according to the letter. And 'tis obferved thac for want of this ruk, fomc of the ancients hav- faftencd ftrange abfurdities upon the words of the Scripture. So Saint ^mhroje efleemedita herefie, to tbinke, that the Sunne D 4 and -J- Gen. u. I.iinGcnt Pfali 36.6. / „*6|f^tj'^ ,iin mtifmMmmmamiitttimtmuttmHm^mii^ ■I lAJlU-L'" r'""**~>^ .-y^irTiT^"-^^^ of a neyp World. 4; vanceit, (hewing a compendium of providence, thac could make the iime body a world^'and a Moone • a world for habitarion, and a Moone for the ufe of others, and the ornament of the whole frame of Nature. For as the members of the body ferve notonely for the pref-rvarion of thcmfelves, but For the ufe and convcnjency of the whok, as the hand protjsfts the head as well as faves itfclfe, fo i> ic in the parts of the Univeiie^ where each one may fervc as well for the conftrvation of that which is within it, as the helpc of others without it. I have now in fome m^afure, (hewed that a plurality of worlds does not contradiil any principle of reafon or place of Scripture, and fo cleared thc(irft part of that fuppo(irion which is applied in the opinion. It may next be enquired, whe- ther 'tis polTible there may be a globe of elements in thac which we CufanfU de /.I* Ml. w^-^ we call the scchereall pirts ofthe Unjvcrfe; for if this (as ic isac- cordiV,g to the comf«on opinion) be pr^Yilcdgetl from any cnaogc or corruptioD, it will be in vainc then roimagincaf.y clement there, andifwe will baveaiothcr world, we aiurt the nferkc out fome other place for irs fi uatior;. The third Propofition therefore ihali be this. Propofition n 0 Tbdt the hedvens doenot conjifi of any fuch pure matter v^hich can priviUdge them from the likf change and corrupttM^ ofihe/e inferienr bodies are liable unto. IT hath beene often qucftioned araongft the ancient Fathera and Philofophcr?^ what kind of mat- ter thacfhould be, of which the heavens are framed, whether or no of any fifth fubftance diftlnft from the fourc elemenrs, as Ari- jlotle] m»^ ■MN^IWltltnMllltlgttMlihji ■l^'lj^i_l»ll»nill|ll» lill i liiit' an **«mj>aitiiui iiinii I 1 1'rfTT MiHiiiiiiirtiii o/ane'SfiWorld. The next thing then to been- quired after, is, whether they be of a corruptible niture, not whe- ther they can be deftroyed by God, for this Scripture puts out of doubt. Nor whether or no in a long time they would wcarcaway and grow worfe^ for firora any fuch teare they have becnc htely privi- ledgcd. But whether they are ca- pable of (uch changes and vicifll- tudes, asthis inferiour world i8 liable unto. The two cbiefc opinions con- cerning this, have both erred in ' feme extremity, the one fide go ing fo farre from the other, that they have both gone beyond the right, whileft Anjlotle hathop- pofed the truth, as wtll as the S;oickSi Some of the A^^cients have thought, that the heavenly bodies have flood in need of nourifliment from the elements, by which they Were continually Ud^ and (6 had divers 47 iPct.3.ii. B^ Doaor HackwtU <«»■% ^^ 48 I TheDifcoyery Vlutanb.'de phcfhilof L z. c 17. Nat. Hiil. Nat.J:>u,tJl. x«M;j/?, r divers alceraeions by re^fon of their food, this is fathered on ft, raclhuf^ followed by that great Naturalift Plitij^ and in generall attributed to all the Stojcks. You may fee Scfteea exprcflcly to tbis purpofc in ihcfe words^E^r/iif^Wi. fAtii.ommbmJleUUdivtdumurJm profertifr quofpifiinemtur tot Sjdtn tamcx^reitatH^iam avuda^per dkm^ *JO&emc^.^ut inofere^ it a in f^fia, Speaking of thccarth ,Kc faics,from ihence ic i?,chat nourlfhmcnc isdi- vidcdroallthelivingcrcamrcSjthc plants and the SrarreSj hence were (ullaii'ed fo many conflellati^ns, lo laborious, fo ;j;recdjr both daj and night, as well in cbcir feeding \ as workif g.Thns alfo Lucan fing!, ^ecmr^ Ocemo pafci Phccbumo^^ folumj^credimtss. Unto thde P/^/tfwe aifo that lear- ned Egyptian fcemed to agrc^, whenheaffirwits that the body of |W'il^»i'jl*jS*!M*>»« MMV!S!M**a|»iW«HklMMIMrilMllli>MW*HMM of a new World. I 49 reafon of the earthly vapours chat are exhaled uoto it. You fee theic ancients thought the Heavens to bz fo farre from this imagined in- corruptibility, chat Mther like the weakcft bodies they flood in need of fome contirmall nourifhmenc withouc which they could not ■fubfirt. I But Afiflotle and his followers ^^ ere (b farre from this ^ chac chey thought chofc glorious bodies could not containc within chcoi C'uy (uch principles, asmight make them Ivable to the lea(t change or corruption, and chcic chiefe reafon was, becaufe \vc could noc in (b lo jg a fpacedifcerne any alte- ration amongft chcm;but unco chis I unf'jver. * I. Suppofing we could not^yec Would it noc hence follow thac there were none , a» hce himfelfe In cfFeft doth confefle in another place ; for fpeaking concerning our knowledge of the Heavens, hee faycs 'cis very imperfeft aid li E difficulc, S ^ r -: ^ cap. 3. r. DeCcehM cap. 3, X. •5 ■>?'!(••;' JO The Difcprvery difficult, by realfbnof ihc v^fte diftancc of thofe bodies from us, and becaafc the changes which may happen untoi , arc not ej. thcr bigge enoi»gh or frequent enough to fall within the appre- htnfion and obfcrvation of out (cufcs • no \;yonder thtn if ht himfclfe bee dcrciv^d in hi» af. fertiom concerning thefc parti* culars. [ a. Though we could not by oui fcnfes fee fuch altcrationjj, yetoui reafon might perhaps ftfficientlj convince us of rhcm. Nor can we well corceive how the Sunnf (hould rifl(ft 3gainft the Moonfj: and ycti^oi produce fomeolreia-l tirn of heare.Dii?gfwf/ the Philc- /opher wag hence perfi^adfdihji thofe fcorchiRg hearts h-d burDt the Mocne into the ferine oil Punicc-ftone. 3. 1 anfuer chat there have beet fcnie alteraiicns cbferTcd ihae; witrcffe ihofe comets uhicb Favr becne fcene above the Mconr So' of a new World. So thac though ArtJlotUf cotue- queoce were fatficicnio vvhcnhec' proved thac ih^ heavens were noc corraptiblc, b^Caule rherc have not any change^ beino; obQrv;id inic^ yttthU by the fatncrc^roii muft bee as prevalent, thac the Heavens are corruptible, b^caufe there have beene fo many alrera- tions obferved there •bac of thefc together whh a farther cjnfirma- tioj of chis propofition^ I iliull have occifion to Ipeakc afct-r- wuds; Lithcmeancfpace, I will ''cferre the Reider t^ thac vorfc; oiScbeincrz Itrejtfui' ^>vhi'hht cities his Ktfd Vrjina^ Vf':ntc iic.: ra.iy Oe this point conccn.Ui? the corruptibilicy of . the H avcjs largely handled and fufficiencly confirmed. There are fon?e other things, on which 1 might here cake an occafijnto enlT^emy (elfe, but becauf?' chey are d'tcftty handled by auay others, and doe not i'^- j mediately belong to the chicfc s E 2 matter 51 \,:P^: 5^ ti'i^- rat. •^«*v l» lib. fup. Gen-adlit. The Difcorvery matter in hand , I fliruTtherefort rcferrc the Reader to theirauthori, and omit any large proofeof them' my fdfe , as defiring all polfible brevity. I. The firft is this: That there arcnofolidOrbcj. If there bea habitable World in the Moont (which I now affirme j it mull follow, that her Oibe Is net folii, « ^r//?o*/# fiippoff d ; and ifnoi her, why any of the othcr?I rathei thinkethattheyareallof aM (perhaps aereou8)rubftance. Saint ^mSrofi , and Saint Bafildid e&- dcavonr to prove this out of thsi place in IfajyVskere they arecoro- pared to ftroake, as they are bott, quoted by Rhodig^Ptuf^Etifebm^^ ■t^icrembergms doth likewife from j that place confute the foJidityawi ^ incorrupt-bility of the Heaven?,'; and cites for the fame interpreM-;; uoo the authority of Eufiachm) of j^mioch ; and Saint jiupin;- i sm fbre ffemes to aflcnt unroj this opinio n,tboDgh he does ofttn,! in!;. ■■71F% mC~. »W' iii«« mwuvt m ir"\ 1 1 owiiwiiiwwiiiii II 1 1,. 1 1 I ij^ji J I »iM»iiwMii^ainijj of a ne^ World. 55 ip his other workes coDrradid it. The tcftiniony of otherFachers to this pnrpofc you may fee in Sixtus Senenju^ /. 'y.Biblioth.annot. 14, bat for your better (atisfaSion herein , I (hall refcrrc you to the ^bovc named *9rAexW in his Rofi /i6.4.f U,» Vrftna^ in whom you may fee ^•7'^^p3<>» both authoriti«B«M«MH 54 \ The di (coy cry at que impervih orifihpsf cHra rem r<. p/rvH. 'H hat this opbioncomo *^ ueercr co the truth than that con:. " mon one oiuirifiotli which had '^ CO no pnrpofc filled the hcaveni " with fych rcall and irapervk •^Orbes. ^ 2. There is no elf iment of fire which muft be held viichthiso. pinion here delivered; for if m (uppofc a world in theMoone,the it will follow, thatthe fphcarcd fire, cither is not there where '(i ofually placed in the concavicyc( hi8 Orbe , or clfc that there is i fuch thing at all , which is tnof probable, fince there arq not an; (uch (olid Orbs,that by their M morion might hearc and enkindl: the adjoynirg aire, which is im/ giard to be the reafon of that cl(l mcnt.Concernipg this fee C^tdil' «/^«, the ncble 7;c^t?,with civc:; others who have purpo/ely had- l<2d this propoficion. ^ 3 L-f fe^'^^--'»:^Y^^'^*^t^4''^^^A^ of a neyo World. 55 ;• IcDjghc addeaihird, viz>. that there is no Mufickc of the fphearcs ^ for if chey be nor folid^ how can thtir motion aufe any fuch found as is conceived? Idoe rhc rather medle with this^becaufe Plutarch (peaks as if a man might very conveniently he^c that har- mony, if he were an inhMilMlKM»*i"WI«ll« I III I I., .*■« 54 The difcoyery ptifhata^tjH^ cotlhmflmibus rtalibui afqHeimperviis or^ihnf chrarem re- p/rvft. ' ^ 1 hac this opiaion comes ♦^ ueercr to the truth than that com- " mon one oiArifiotl$ which hath '^ CO no pnrpofc filled the hcaveni " with fych rcall and iraperviouj *K>be8, 2. There is no ekmcnt of fire, which muft be held \\iththiso. pinion here delivered; for if wee (uppofc a world in theMoone,theo it %vill follow, thacthcfphearcof fire, cither is not there where 'ih nfually placed in the concavityoi his Orbe , or cUc that there is no fuch thing at all , which is moll probable, fince there are not any fuch folid OrbSjthat fay their fwif: morion might hearc and enkindk the adjoynirg aire, which is ima- giacd to be the rea/on of that clc- mcnt.Concernipg this CceC^rd^n^ lohaKms Pcna that learned Fre^/ti- w^«, the ncble Tycho;w\i\\ civcis others who have purpofcly hand- hd this propofition. ____ 3' ^ .-p. M»'-irm«<«iiriii»!i>,ji^,()ir*SiM!(jf"'* J, Imighc addeaihlrd, viz^, thac there is no Mufickc of the fphearcs^ forifcheybc nocfolid, how can thtir motion CAufe any fuch found asis conceived^ Idoe the rather medle wUh thi83becau(e 1 Plutarch fpcAz^s ifamannjight very conveniently hearc that har- mony, if he were an inhabitant in theMoone. But I gueff^: that hec faid this out of incogitancy, and did not well confi Jer thofc ncccf* (ary coafcquciices which depen- ded upon liis opinion. However the world would have no great loflc in being deprived of th is Mu- ficke^unlefle at (omc times we had thepriviledgc tohcareic : Ttien indeedc Phth the Jew thinkes '^P^^^^^''*^* it would fave us the charges of dif r, and we might live at an eafie rate by feeding at the care onely, and receiving no other Boiuifh- mcnt ; ard for this very reafon i ( faies he ) was Mofes en-ibled to tarry forty daies and forty nights in the Mount wi^huuc eating any E 4 thing r I' 5$ - - - - ■ I ■» The difcoyery j thing , bccaufe he there heard the melody of the Heavens, -i?//«w umms. I know this Mu(kke haiti had great patrons both ftcredand propbane authoiirs , fuchas^w. CiccTQ and others , but becaufe'K is noc now , 1 thinke affirmed by any , I fhall noc therefore beftoi either paincs or time in arguing againftic. It may fufficethati have oncly named thefe three laft , and foi the two more neccffary, have re- ferred thcReader to others for fa. tisfaftionJ fhall in the next place proccede to the nature of ih( Mooncs body, to know whethei that be capable of any fach condi' tion?5as may make it polTible to bs iohabicedjand what thofe qualities are wherein it more neercly agrc« with our earth. Prop 4' / i\ of a ne^ World. Propofition 4. 'that the Moont is afolid^ compn* I Shall not need to ftand long in the proofeof this propofi- tion 5 fincc ic is a truth already agreed on by the general! confenc of the moft and the bcft Philo^ fopherj, I. Ic is (olid in oppofinon to fluid, asischeayre, for how o-. thcrwife could it beare backe the light which ic receives from the Sunne? Bat here it may b? qutftloned, whether or no the Moone beftow her light upon us by the reflecti- on of the Sunne-bcames from the (ijperficics of her body , or cHe by her owne illumination. Some ^here are who affi.me this latter part. So Avmocs^ Cdm Rhdl" ghufj;4iius C'in/jdr.&c. and their rcafon 57 ■ •■V^MUBMB^^k Uclu>n» I. to. C.4,' De pbiinjm. lUHit^C* It. rcafonis becaufechis !igbcis d\C cerred in many places, whcreaf thofc bodies which give light by reflexion can there o;icIy be per- ceived where the angle of reflcxi^ on is cquall to the angle of inci- dence , and this is onely in one place, as in a looking-glaflc thoft bearaes which are r<.'flfaed from it cannot bee perceived in every place where you may fee the glafle, but onely there where your eye is placed on the fame line whereon the beames are re- fleacd. But to this I anfwere, that the argument will not hold of fuch bodies, whofc fuperficies is full of unequall pares and gibbofities as the Moonc is. Wherefopc it is as well the more probable as the rnore common opinion , that her light proceedcs from both thefe caufes^ from reflexion and illumi- nation ; nor doth it herein differ from ourearth,fince that al(b hath fomc light by illumination : for how ^iiigniji_ti|-miiiaiiniriiiniwi» m ''ofaneyoWorld. how ochcrwifc would tlic parts about us io a Sunnc-fhinc day ap- peare fo bright , when as all the ray c$ of n flexion cannot cuter ioto outeyc> 2. It is compaft^ and not a fpun- 59 ?luuiefUL. he Tbeo*f* X64. gk and porous fubftance. But this 1 ;^tt/-tt.f.i j is denied by DicgemfyViteSiOy^nd ^ ^ RtinoldM^ and lome others, who held the Moonc to bee of the fame kind of nature as a Pumice-ftone^ and this, lay they, is the rcafon why in the Suns eclipfcs there ap- pearcs within heracfuskifhruddy colour, bccauft the Sunnc-bcaraes being rcfrafted in palling through the pores of her bady,muft nccci- firily be reprefcntcd under iuch a colour. But I reply, ifthisbcthccaufe of her rcdneile, then why doth ftc not appeare under the fame forme when ("heisaboutafextilcafpeft^ and the darkned part of her body is difccrnable ? for rhen alio doe the fameraycs paffc through her, and therefore in all likelihood rhould j// i*i*iw»m»ii; iiiii If 1 III ,,r. I ■!<"•««■ I ScaHget eX' TluUdefa. ftouM produce the fame cfftGt, and notwithftanding thofc bcamcs arc then diverced from us, that they cannoc enter into our eyes by a ftrcjght line, yet muft tht colour ftill rcmaine vifibic in her body, and befides according to this opi- nion.che (pots would notalwaies be the fame, but diver8,as the vari* ous diftancc of che Sunne requires. Againc , if the Sunne-beames did paffe through her, \A;hy thenhach (he HOC a taile as the Comets > why doth fhcapp«are in fuch an exacS round ? and not rather attended with a long flamc^fincc it is mcere- ly this penetration of the Sunne beamcs that is ufually attributed to be the caufe of beards in blazin^ ftarrcs. ^ 3. It is opacous , not tranfpa^ tent^or diaphanous like Chryftal! or glaflTc , as 'EmpedncUs thought, who held the Mjonc to bee a globe of pjre congealed aire,like haile inclofed in a fpheareof fire, tor then. I. Why I J ^^^^uMitif i«tii»i«'i"«n I rtf I. Why do€S (hecnotalwaies appcarc in the full ? fince the light is difperfcd through all her body ? 7. How can the intcrpofitlon of her body fo darken the San, or caufefuch great cclipfts as have turned day into night , that have difcovered the ftars , and frighted the birds with fuch a. ftddendark- ncfle, that they fell downcupon the earth, as it is related in divers Hiftories>And therefore Herodotus telling of an Eclipfe which fell in Xerxes time , defcribei it thus : a*f(t#);j!a>. The Sunne leaving his wonted ftatc in the heavens, vani- (hcd away : all which argues (uch a great darkncfle, as could not have beene, if her body had beene perfpicuous. Yet fome there are who interpret all thefc relations to bee hyperbolicall exprcfllons, aod the noble Tjcho thinkcs it na- turally impolTib!e,that any cclipfc ftould caule fuch darkncfle , be- caufc Plut.de fa. HcroJolJ.j en. Dtfbdnom, The Difcoyery caufc the body of ih* Moone can never totally cover the Sunnc 5 howevcr,in this he Js fiogular, all other Aftronomcrs (if I may bi- Iie?e-K'f/>/jr)bcingon the contrary opinion,byrea(bntheDiameterof the Moone does for the mo(t part appeare bigger to as then the Di^- met^roftheSunne. But here Ju^ita C^far once more, puts in to hinder our paf- fage. The Moonef faich he)is not altogether opacous, because 'lis ftill of the (^me nature w'ththc Heavens , which are incapable of fotall opacity : and his reafon i?, becaufe pc^rfpicuity isaninfepa- jrable accident of ihofe purer bodies, and this heethinkesrauft ncc-ffatily bee granted, for hcc flops thcre,f4nd proves no further ; but to this I fliall dcfcrre an an- fwere, till hechach made up his argument. We may frequently fce,that her body does (beclipfc the Sunnc, as our earth doth the Moone i finer thrr .^ r\ oj a neJi^ World. •Hm then the like inurpofitiouui them both^dotb produce the like cfF^ft, they muft nf ccflarily be of the like natures, that js a like opacous, which is the thing to be fbcweci 5 and this was .^.. V II .ii-iiit-f'i'-n-n^"' difcerned in her, when there is a cocall ccliple of her owne body,or oftheSunne. 2. For the light which :s dif- cerncd in the darker part of her body, when fheisbucalittledi- ftanc from the Snnne. 1. For when there are any to- tall edipfeSj, there appearcs in her body a great rednc/H, and many tiiTifs light enough to caufeare- markeable fhade, as common ex- perience doth fufficiently mani- fcft: bur this cannot come from chcSunne^ Ihcc at fuchtimesei- ther the earth, or hep owne body ftades her from the Sun-beames, therefore it muft proccede from her owne light. 2. Two or three daics after the new Moone, wee may perceive light in her whole body, whereas the rayes of the S^m reflcft but up- on a fmall part n{ chat wnich is vi- fiblf^therefcrc Vis likely that there is fome 1 jght of her owne. It) anfwering to tliefeobjeft*- F :? on?, 1 7^ T/;^ dijcoipery 005, I (hill firlt fli^W, that this light cannot be her ownc,and then declare that which is the true rea- Ion of it. That it is not her o wn,appearc8| I. From the variety of it at di- vers tim<^?; for 'tis commonly ob- fervcdj that fcm<'timcs 'cisofa brighter, fometimcs of a darker apt earaiK?, now redder, and at an^'ther time of a more dusk fii' colour* Thcobfcrvation of this! vari ry in divers cclipffs, you miy Ice fet dowiie by KepUr^ni many othtrs, bur now this could noc be if rhac light were her cwnc, that being confrantly the fimf,! and without any realbn of ftich an alteration : So that thus I may i*rgui\ If there were any light proper to the MoonL', then would thit Plarjcc app- are brighrf ft when fte ! is tclipied in her Pcrige, bwin^ ' ntcreft to the earthy and ibcot^l::- 1 <]uently more obfcure and disk^ft ! v\ hen (he i^ in her Apoge or fjr- I -the!' "7'*irmmm of a m"^ World. \ 71 theft from ic ; che r^ alon is, b^caufc } the nccrer any enlightened body I comci CO the fighr, by fo much the I more fircrg arc the fpecies a id the < better perceived. This fcqael! is ; ' granted by (oau of our advert- o^rnvs rie5, and chcv are the very svords juu^ipi, of noble Tychff^ Si hina ger^ni-^o c. lo* gaiidertt lumtrii^ uti^^cuMinum*] bra te^r£ ejjet^ iuudnon atriittitct^^ fed CO tvidentius exererct^ omnc . \ enim lumer) in ttmbry. pln^ ihhndet : cHm ali9 majon fulpre ho prfpi'l ditur. It the Moone had any lighc t of her ovvne, then would fhe not lofe it in the earths (liadow, but • rather (hine more clcardy, iince • every lighc appearcs greater in 'he darke, when ic is not hin-i dered by a tiioie pcripicuous' brightneifc. But now the event fall? out I i^^j^^^i j cicanc contrary^ (as obf rvirion i^ or/* //.#/;;. dochmanifcft, and our opp^licesj^'*/^ ''^• thcmfelves doc st^ot) the Moone i ^^'-'''F^l' ^ppcdnng with a m ^rc rcndi(h| ^'id cbare li^ht whe^j fhe is eclip- 1 F 4 icd; 7i " K— »l The difcolpery fed being m her Apoge or farcheft diffancc,an'.1 a more bhckiOi yron colour v^'hen (lie is in her Perige or necrcftcous, therefore fhce hath noc any light of her owne. Nor n^ay Vk^eihinke thacthe earths (ha* dow can cloud the proper lighc of the Moone from appearing, or takeaway any thing from her in- he rent brighcfieflTe^for this were to thinke a fhadow to bea body, an opinion alcogcther mif-becom- ming a Phil ifopher, as Tycho grants in the fore- cited place, Nee pimbra terr£ cnyporeum quid efl^ aut den fa ali^ua fyhjfaniia^aut Inn a Ih- tnenohtfnebrarepojfit^ atj^ id vijui mfiro fY^rifcre^ jed eft qH£dm privstiuluminisfoUria^ oh imtrfO' Jitum cpacum arpuf terra* Nor is thf carihs fliadow any corporall thingjorihickefublhnce, that it can cloud the Moonesbrightreffe, or take ic away from our fighc^bm it is a mceie privation of the Suns l?ghr, by rcafon of the interpofitl- on of the caahs opacou^ body. 2, If 2. If fhrehadany ligbcof her owne then that would in it felfe be,either fuch a ruddy brightnclfe asappcaresin theeclipfes, orelfc fuch a leaden duskifh light as wee fee in tne darker parts ot her body, whcnfbee isalictle part the con- junftion. (That it mu(t be one of iKefe may follow from the oppr*- fitc arguments) but it is ncifhcr of chefe,chercfore fhe hath none of heroine. I. Tis not fuch a ruddy light as appcarrs in eclipfes, for then why can wee not fee the like red- neflc^ when wee may difcerne the obfcurer parts of the Moone ? You will fay, perhaps, that then tl;c ueercncfle of that grea- ter light, rakes away that appea- rance. I icply,this cannot be, for then why does Mars fliinc with his wonrcd redneff;, when he is neere the Mootic? or why cannot her greater brightncfL' make him ap- pears while as t he ochcr Planets ? nor 74 Semt. Sc'if- The Dtfcoyery nor can there be any reafon given why thac greater light fhauldre- preftnc her body under a falfc colour. t, Tis not fuch a duskifh lea. den lighr, a$ wefeeinthcdark'^r pare of ^e^ body, when fhec is about a Textile A(p ftdtltant from the Sunne, for thtn why docs fhcc appcare red in the cclipfcsj fincc the nrne (h^'^e cannot choofe fuch variecy,fof 'fis the nature of dark- nefle by its oppofition^ rather to make things appeare of a more white and clear- brighcneffcthen ihtyare inthcmlelves, or if it be ^he (hade, yet thofe pares of the Moone arc then in the (liade of her body, and therefore m reafon (hould have the like redocfle. Since then neither of thefc lights a;ehers, it followcs that flie hath nope of her owne. Nor is this a fingular opinion, but it hath had many learned patrons^ fuch was Macrobtu^^ who bc'ng for this quoted otix./;o^ig.7ir^,he calls him vir %W''^'''^'^?W<'^'*^!'^^WK'vi^mf*»tmiikmn n n>\mm imuini ■iiiiyiuminiiwnmmn>j»,IH. iniH' miMi .f««r*»- V'**''^ of a neyp World. I 75 'Dii'fuondiiijfiwie fdemU^ a man who knew more than ordinary Philofophcrs, thus commending the opinion in the credit of the Authoiir. To him aflents the Vcnrrabk Bedc^ upon whom the I glolTc: hath this compati(bn. As \inllb.di vheLookiog-glaflTc: represents not \natufjf014m any image within ic (cUc, unkfle it receive fome from v/uhout- io •he Moone hath not any I'ghc^ but what is beftowcd by the Sun. To thefe agreed Albert hs Mag" nuf^ Scaliger^ A^ceJIw^ and more efju.cially MnlapertiMt whofc words are more pat to the pur- Exercil 6%» I. Epitome^ pofe then others^ and therefore 1 1 ^^ ^^^ (hall fee them downe as you may finde them in his Preface to his Treatife concerning the Af^llyizca fjdera ; Lu^a^ Vema^ & Mncu* riu^^ tcrcjlris & humid^fumpib^ /?^^-i proceed frcm it. If jouaskcnow whattherca- fon may be of chat light which vvf A — — f-^^ ■■ oj anc^World. difccroc in the darker parr of the new Moonc : I aiifwer. Vis rc- fleftcd from oar earth which re- turncsasgratabiighcneircrothac Planer,asic receives from if. This I fliall havcoccafion to prove af- terward, I have now done with thcfc pro- pofitions which were fee downc tocleare the pa(I;ge,and confirme the fuppofirions implied in the opliion^ » (hall u the next place proceed to a more direft creating ofihcchiefc matter in hand. Propofition 6. Thai there is a world in the Afoone^ hath beene the dirt& opinUn of many ancitfit^vpithfome medernt Mjthematictarjs^ andv^ajfra^ bnbly he deduced from the tenents of others. Since this opinion may be ftC* peeled of lingularity, I (hall there- 79 if^^ So VUtMfiu, /Wd.c.ij- Diog. Lictt* cap. II. The Difcolpery ^-^— — ~'' ' ^ -— — ■■^-_^^ therefore fidt confirmc icbyfuffi, cleat authority of divers auchours both ancienc and modernc, that fo I may the better cleare it from the prejudice either of an upftart fancy, or an abfoluce erroiir, This is by fome attributed to Or» phem^ one of the mod a tcient Greekc Poets^whofpeakingofchc Moone, faies thus, >? To^A'b;gaf>, m>^a5-^cty Tiu'i^d: /.uAafl^rt, That it hath nuny mountaine? and cities, andhoufcsin it. To him afT^ntcd Xcmphanes^ j^nax^goras^ Vemo- cfitHj^ and Her^cHtuSy all who thought it to have firmc folid ground, like to our earth, c^ncai- ning in it many large fields, cham- pion grounds^ and divers inhabi- tantSj Unco the/c agreed T^ythag^^ tAi^ who thought that our carcb was but one of the Planets which moved round about the Sunnc, (as ^Wy?^;//,? relates it of him) and the Tyth^gonans in gei^erall did af* firmc, that the Moonc Mo was ccrreliriall, that flie was inhabited as )\ oj a new World. Pliv.Nrt. as this lo.wer worl J.That thoff li- ving crrarures 5c plants vv hich arc in her, exceed any of chc like kind with us in the fame proportion, as their dales are longer tlim ours; vizhy 15. rimes, ThlsTjib^gor^f wasedcemcd by all, of a molM - vine v^ic, as appearcs efpecial ly by his valuacion amongft z\\c Kom^ns who being comanded by rhe Ora- cle to ercfta ihcue to the W\k{\ Grecian^ the Senate derermir-cd Fjihagor^s robe meanr^Drefcrring ^'^i'- ^•34' him in their judgements brforethe ^'^^^* divine Soerltes:, wlrm thtir Gods proncn x'dchewifdl.Somethi .k him a lerr by b'.rtb^but moft cjgrie thathee was much ccnvc'rlaoc a* mongll chc Icarnedcr fovr^Sc Pri .!h ofthj.tN^'ion , by ivliom !^e was infornr-ci of many fecretFjand per- ! hapSjihisopitiion, which he vejind ' afterwards in Greece, whc^c h.. was much oppofird by ^Irlfcitk ?n fome Worded difputacions, bf^t nevci^ confuted by any fol^d rc^^on. To thiiJ opinion of P)thagoraj G cj'id MY: mm"* < / 82. Plat, de Macrob. SomYhScip. The difcolpery did PUo alfo aflcnc, ivhcn hec conlid^rcd that there was the like eclfplc made by the eflKh^and thh thar ic had no light of its ownc' thnc it was (6 full of fpors. And cherefore wee may ofccn rcade in him sndhix followers , of an I "^^^^^^^ ^^nv^and If^nares p0pkli^^n Ub,uca.iv ^therea!h'arrh,and inhabitcrs io the Moone; but afterwards this was mixed with many ridici;]ous fancies: f^)rlomeorchcm confide. j rin^ rhc myflerics implied in the number 5, concluded that there o^uft neceffirily bee a Trinity of wo'lds^ whereof the firft is this of ours, the fccond in the Moone whofe clement of water is reprefcnted by the fpheare of Mercury^ ihcmzhy Venus ^ and che fire by the Sunne. And that the M'holeU.iivtrfe might the better ^^nd in earth as it began, they have contrived ic.that C^^r/fhallbea fphcareofihefirc, lupiuroi Mt, SatHrr.c of water ; and above all thcfc,theElyfian fields, fpaciousj and' of a nerp World. 8? Estwtei, and pleafanc places ^ppoiatcd for the habitation of rhofe unfpotted foules, that dcher never were im- prifoncd in^or t\Cc now have freed themfelves from any commtrrce withthe body. Scaliger fpcaking o{i\\iSP Utomcklhv\c\^^qt4x in tres truntes mund^m quaji ajjem dhi* ^fjthinks'cisconfucation enough^ to fay, Wi Plato's. However tor the firft partofthis aflertionjit was j afTcnced onto by many others, ard by reafonofthegroCfatffjand in* equality of rhisplaiet, 'cv/as fre- quently called ^/^^^f^-T^ ccehftli^ as being eftefm^'^'* m^»^ and ?/.;/;«///, later Writers. ^^^^['^^^^^ Unrothe(e I mightalfo addc the ^ imperfeft tefiimony o^Mihomet^ ! i ivhofe authority of grant can aude ; '.hue little credit ro this opinion, j 1__ Q 2 t^li-^^i? 84 The difcoyery bccaufc hec was an ignorant im- poftcr , but yet confidcr that ori- ginali, from whence hee derived moft of his knowledge, and then, perhap?, his witncfle may carry with it fomc ptobablity. He i<5 ' commonly thought by birth to be anlfmaelite^ being inftruft:d by the Jcwcs in the fecrcts of their A^para^^j. Philo(bphy,and perhapj^lcarnd ^ ^y- ihis from thofc R.ibhits^ for in his AlcAton ^ hce talkes much of mountaines, plcafiinr fields, and cle^re rivers in the heavens ^ but becauft; he was for the niaine very cufa.de nnkarned^ he was not able to dc- do6lj^J,2* liver any thing fo diftioftly as he c^p^i ^4 vvas informed. The Cardinall C«- Januf and lornandus BunuSy hi Id a particular world in every Scarrc, and thereforeone of them defining our earth, he C'caL^^itisjlcllaqm- dam nohilij^ qua lunam & calorem & injiticntum hahti altaniy & dl V erf am ab omnibus aliis Jiellis-, a ^^ noble fiarre having a diftinft ^^ lighr^heatand influence from all € of a new World. 9f the reft.Uaco this mcholHiU^z counrry man of ours was inclined^ when he Gid Aflrea terra, vatura probahiihefii ^^Thu 'cis probable ^< ihe earch hath a ftarry nature^ Buc the opiuion v/hich I have here delivered was more dircftly proved by M^jlin Keplar^ and Galikus^ each of them late wri- cer!,and famous men for cheir (in- gular skill in Aft^onomy. As for thofe workesof MajlindLnd, Kep- y^r wherein chcy doe raorcexprc/^ iy trearc of this opinion , I have noc ycc had the happincfleto fee them. However their opinions app-are plaine enough from their ownc wricings, and chetclVimony of others concerning chem. Buc hdiuf C^l'ar^ whom I have above quoted^ fpcukirg of tht: ir ccftimo- ny whom I notv zva for this opi- nion, viz,, Keplar and GahUus affirmcs chat to his ku'JwlvJge they did but jcft in tho(e things which they wrice concemicgthi?^ and as for any fuch vvorld,hc aflu- 0 »5 Vhllof.tpl cur.fart^ 454. In Tbefibus eiiJJhtat'Q Ck>/i Nic, us SydcUM, J i:'^ 86 Clp.J. The difcoDery '^:^Si^=^ redly knowts they ncvrr fo much an drtan.t of ic« But I had rather belkvc their owne words>^then his pretended knowledgf. 'Tis true indced^in many things they doc but trifle, but for the mainc fcopc cf thofe dUcourfcs,! '(i8 as manifett they ferioi^flyi rr cant it,a$ any indifferent Reader i may ^afily difcernc ; otherv^ifc' (lire Camfamlla ( a man as well acqnainttdwichhis opinioni and: pei ha; s his pcrfon as C£J4r was), woild never have writ an apolcj- gic for him. And btfidcs 'os very likely if it had becne but a jcft^ Gal Uti^ vN'ould never have iuSi" red (o much for ic as afterwards he did. But as for the knowledge ivh'ch hee pretends ^ you may gutflc what it was by his confir dcnce ( I fay not prefumpiionjin other afferrions, and his boldfufii in them may well derogate froro his credit if) this. Forfpeakingof Ttohmcs Hjpothe/ishQ pronoun- ces this vcrdjft^ Im^^pbUcfJin" J II of a new World. Cifitficornm & eptcjclommpefitio^ nee aliqt4is ejl ex Alathcmiticis adeoflultus qni vtram illa^ exijlU wet. '• The poficioa of Excen^ '' trickuzwA EpiQr/^?/ is altogether ^^impoflible , nor is there any '* M4themaucian fiich a fooleas *< cothinkc \: true. I Ihotild gaeile hce could not hive knowledge enough to maintainc any other Hypochcfis who W3s (b ignorant inMachemancks, as to deny chat any g^odAuthourheldthis.For I would f/ine know whether chcre were never any thac thought the Heavens to be folid bodiei , and that there were luch kindcs of moion as is by thofc feincd Of bes fupplyed; iffo^thcn C^^^frli Gjl/a was much miftaken, I chinkc his aflertions arc equally trut! ^ that G aliUu J 2ind Kephr did not bold this , and thac there were none which ever held that ocher. But in my following difcourfe Ifliall moft iniiit on the obferva- tionof GaliUufy thcinventourof G 4. thic 87 T»'< >^ live, i", \ bi ;n The di(coVery I hat famcHOS per fpt ft ive^ whereby we may c^iiccrnc the heavens hard by ui , wlicrtby thoft things which Gihus have formerly gudt ac ?renianJfeftedto theeyc^ and pbinc'y difcovcrcd beyjnd (^ ccptioi) or doubCj of which admi- rablc inven^ion , tbt f^ lacar a^xs of the world may juftiy boaft, ad for this txpt a CO be celebrated by pollcricy.Tis related of £wJ.;.vtt/, chit hcc widicd himfeif.* bunt with P;^^^/^^ ^ To he m'ghc Hand over ihe Sunne to coritemphte i:3ri3[urt?; had hee lived iiirhcfc dales 5 he might huvc en joyed his vvifh ac an cofie rare , audfcaling theli;:ave.)sbychisgla(L^, nr'ghi plaiacly havAijfcerned v\'hacht:e io iriuch dili ed. KeplarcuuCidi- nog tbofe ftrai^.e discoveries which this pifr/prftivc lud nuuV^' could uoc choofc buc cry cue in a ' '^ratrc.^'znT.cix atjd rapiurcof adnJ-i faiion. 0 mHlitjlifirn 6^ q:xoVu\ fcqtro prgtipfjui perfp/ci/Ur/^ ! a'^l q-^^ te dcxtra tiHctAlk non dorAhUi \ c on- ' of iinew World. 1 89 ■■' ' - - - • I I I I ■ iiiH I I conflittiMitr rj>:rum Dei > And 7a- Oe f^a^uU hames FabrkiK! iv\ cleginc wri- ^^^^^^ '^^^^* tCL' V Ij-^Cciking of the (unt gLff;;, ad tor this invcnrioti preferring our 3gc before chofe former times of greater ignorance ^ files thus ; Adfofr^musfuperiorcJveterihns^ut qujm illi earmhiis m^gict promtyj' ciAitidc m^Jfjm reprepntajf.pntjri'^ turbos no*i tantnm imiocenter de-- mittamus^pdetiAm familiari que- dam 'iKtiihu ejHS qn^Jt cojiditivicm^ mhtjmur. '^ So inwch are wee '^ above the anclents,thc;cwht^rc»is *' they were faine by thdr migicj ! 'charms CO reprefeaccheMooncs ^^ approach, wee caniioc oncly ^' bririg her lower vvlrh a greater *' innocence J bun n)?y alfo with ^' a more fair;i!iar view behold " h^r condition. And bcciufe you fhall htive no occifion to queltion the truth of thofe experiments, ivliich } (hal af erwardsurge from ic : I will therefore fee dov/ne thii; ttliimony of anene?J^.y, andiucli a vjicncffj hiih alvvaies befne ac- counted I Vtphamm •"^■f^' counced prevalent : you may (cc ic in the abovenamcd dtfar U I (jdlla , whofe words are chtfe : Af^YCurium cadaceum gejlantem, ccelejisa nunchre , & mortuorum ammas ab i*9fcris revccare fjpiens I V ^ [fi^xit antiqnitas. GaUlddumvero \{,'^r^t\0^\^^9Vtim lovif interpretem Tdejcopo I'^'^^x^^^^ cadHcao iff/lruBkin Sjdera aperirc^ rTu^vI/^I-^ t^^^^r^w Philofophorum manes W|ri.V%^Ba— — difcourfe, from thofe difcovcrics which were made by it. I have now cited fuch Authons both ancient 3n(J moderne, who have dircftly maintained the fame* opinion. I told youlikewife in the propofition that \t might pro- bably dc deduced from the tenent of others ; dich were ArJJlarchuSy PhMans and Qipcrmcur ^ vviih many o. her later writers who ^t Tented to their hyporhefis?, fo lo^ich. KleliCHS^ David Origantts LausbergtHS^GuiL Gilbert, iXn:y others both Englifli andFrercli, all who affirmed our Earth to be one of tbc^ Planets, and the Sunnc to bee the Cv-ncre of ali, abotit u'hich the heavenly bodies did move , and how horrid Pjev^r this may fceme at the fii ft,yet is ic i likely enough to he true 3 nor i^ j there any maximeor obfervatioii inOpticks f faich 'pf//j) rhiccan j difprovcir. | 95 Apdl6gt4ffO GaUUc. -«•»«<. 94 K The difco )>ery N>w if our earth were one of the Planers (as icis according to them; then why may noc anotncr i^f the Planets be an earth ? Thus have I fhewcd you the cruchof thi:» propoiirion : Before I p^occedcfarcher , \h requifice thai I informethe Rr.uder^ what method I fliall foil >w in the pro- ving of this chiefe alETfion , that there is a World in the Moone, The order by which I (hall bee guided will b:^ that which ^rijfff. tie ufcs in bis booke De mmdo (if that booke were hi».) Firft, <7^^-htfuTli oi ihoU chiefe parts which arc in it; not the elementary and?echereall (as he doth there3 fince this doth not belong to rht elementary concro- verfie^but of rhe Sea and Land^&c. Secondly, ^co^TiiJco^Ta^r', ofchofc things Avhich are ey/r?.n(ecdll to it, asthe feafons , meteors and inha- bicart?. Pro'p7' of a ne^ World, Propofition 7. That thofe Jpots aftd brighter f4rts rpbfchhy our fight way be M- p%(4ifhed in the M)one , doe Jhcw the diftrence betrpixt the Sea and Land in that other Wirld. FOf the cleare proofcofthis propofition , I (hall firft rec- kon up and refute the opinions of others concerning the matter and forme ot thofe fpots , and then flicw the greater prob«ibility of this p^cfenc aflcrtion, and how agreeable ic is to chat rruth^which 18 moft commonly received ; as for the opinions of other concer- ning thcfe^ they have beerie very many, I will only reckon up thoie which are common and r^^markc- able. Some there arc that thinke thofe fpocs doc not arifi: from any de- __ formicy 9% 9^ So Eidf in a.de ¥.und. De fubtlK Thedifco))ery - -HI ,■ ■■■ « ■ ■ I . ■ . foimityofthepartSj bucadectic of the eye, which cannoc at fuch a diftincc difcerne an eq' iall I'ghc in that planet, but (hcfc do but oncly fay it, and fhevv not a ly reafon for the proofc of their opinion: 0- chers think that thcie f )mt: bcdies bctwixi the Sjnne and Moone, which keeping cff the Iij:;bfsin fome parts ^ doc by their (liadow produce theic fpocs which wee there difcerne. Others would have them to b? the figure of themountair.es here below reprefcnred there as in a loolving-g!afie. Butnoneofchofc fjixicscan bectrue, bccauic the fpots J^rc fiil the Gmc^& not varied' according to the difference off la-! crs,and b^Rdcs^^Cardan thinks it is' impclTiblo thit any image fhouldi be conveyed fo farre as there to I be reprefented unto us at (tichal diftancCjbattiscoiDmonlyrelared! o(Fjthagorasy that he by wiicirg,' what W. picafed ina glalfcfjhy thej rcflcxio of the fame fpecies^ would ' make thofe Ictten to appearc in Che circle of chc M^^ne, whe:c th^y ihould bs legible by any o- chcr, who miohc ac thactiiucbc fome miL'S dilbnc irom him. * A- griff J affirmes this to be poffibi^, aiidihe way of perfonnujt!: ic hoc unknowne to hiinC.lte, wi h (onic others in his tiine. Ic may be chat oiir Bifhopdidbyche like m a xs perf-nme thofe Grange co/jcKiU- ons which hec proftiTcS in h'S \Hncui itianimatMi whtrc ha prcrendsthachec can inf. rme his tiicrds of uhac he pleafcs^^ though chcy beanhundrei n/ilisdidi- r^ firt ccti j;>7^ velmlUtdre mtllefimum^ tfiey a:e his owne wt^rds, aiKJ, perhaps, a thcufind, and all i his in a minu'^cs (pace, or lirtle mof., q'.iicl'er tha i tht S mne can move. No'A'j what c^'nvcyince th.rc fhcuM be for fo fpeeiy an-.iTif.c, I cannot cnnccivc^ uril^-irc ic be carried with chc light) tncn which Wee know not any thing quicker; but oi chii oneiy by Uicway- H ho.v- ' Occulta. ad PhiH. 1. 1. 9» pUdt,phil, civ:t. Deu The Difco^ery however^ whether thofe huages can be re pre fenced fb ornoc, yet cercalne icis, thofc fpocs are not fuchreprffenta lions. Somethinke chac whfn God had at (irft created foo much earthtoraakea pcrfift globC) not knowing well where tob itow the reft, he placed ic in the Moone, which ever fince harh (bdaikentd if in feme parts, but tnc impiety of chisis fufficient con- futation:, fince it fb much detrafts from the divine power and wilt- dome. The * Scoicks held that pLmct to be mixed of fire and aire, and in their opinion, the variety of irj compoficion, caufcd her fpots; y^/fjATMi^rr^thoi'ghtalltheflarres to be of an earthly nature, mixed with feme fire, and as for the Si^nne, hcc affirmed it to bcno» thifig fife but a fi^ry ftone; for which later opitiion, the Aiheni- ans fentcnc'd him to death ; thofc 2ealous Idolaters counting ic a great blafphemy, to make their God "\\ of a new Wot Id. God a lionnged:o that Planer, b'j: I have above de- firnyed the fuppcfuiono-i which thi-i fancy is grcu ided : Tliry chinkeschey arilefromfomedraf- fi-^^ffe, mixed \vn\\ tha: moy- fturc which the Moone acrrafts unco her fc Iff, buc hee was lF ^^^ir opinion, who thought the rtarrts were nourilhed by fern: ^archly vap-u'5, which yoa m^-y commonly fee r^fncwd in cnc C^m- mcn'jioTs on the b^(;ke5, dc C^h, yuMh ind ^R^t'.rldHd afr^ifi' fhe lpo;s to be tre thicker par's ^^ ^he M-one, into which trrr Sa:^r:e cannot iriif- n^uch l.v, 99 .^: 100 te lunn eft mn folum fccundum fuperfjaew^ jed eaam ficunduni caunui Cla- ra^ f A (jua auterti jarte epaidi It ^ea- ten s vbli li- ra sndctuY^ cap, 1 1 . The Difconjery aiid chis (iay they) is the rcalon, why in the Sunncs ediplcs^ the fpocsand brighter pans are liill in fume meafure diltinguifhwd, bc- caufe the Simtie bcames are no- able fo well CO penetrate through tho(echicker,a8 they may through chs chinrier parts of tha Planet, Of this opmion alfo was C^^r U GaS^f^ whofc words are thelf, " The Moone do(h there appcare ^^cleareft, where (hee is tianipi- ^^cucus, notoncly through the '<(iiperficies, but the (ubihrce ^'aUo, and there flie fecmwsfpo:. "rtd, where her b' dy is idoII "opicous. The ground of this his alfercion was, bccaufc hec thought the Moonc did receive and beflow her lighc by ill^i- mination onely, and not at all by rcfl-xion, but this, toge- ther wich the fuppofed penetn- , cion of the Sunne bcamcs, and I the perfpicuiry of the Mooncs I body I have above anfwercd land refuted. Th? of a ne^ World. \o The more common and gene- rail opinion ij, chat the fpots are Mcn,mag. the thinner parts of the Moaner, ^^'o^vn. which are hiTc able to rcfl .ft the , ^^- ^'^• btarnes chat - hty receive from the i colkg.con. Sunnc, and 'his is mofi agreeable to reafon, for if the Itarrcs are therefore Drighreft, becau(etht:y arc thicker a.:d more fuhd then their orbes, then ic wil! follow, that thole parts of the Moone which hive lefl^^ l^g-f? have alfo leffe thickencffr. It wn the providence of nature (lay forne)! hat foconrrived char planet to hive t^efc Ipots within ir^ fjr li'jce that isnecreli torhofc!c>w:.T bodies which are fofullofdeior- aiicy, \is rcquificc th^t ic (liould in fome mealure agree u-ith them, and as io this irifericur world thcj higher bodies are the moil com-'j plear, (u alfb in ihc hc^avens^fr-i t^ftion is afc;skiItuL;cfff-' a'.d imptrfcfti- or, ^s if in the hafte of ht^r workc Hue could nof cell how fom^kc ihjtb '^vrx.ft^yhr_,forthatefc ^o V hi hOir appointed ic. Tjs iikcly ihcnihac flit had fomc Other of a nf^ World. Other end which moved her to proc^uce this variety, and ihis in allprobability was her in(cnr col mate ic a fir body for habicarion ! with the fame dd^^ veniencics of (ea I and landj as this infcrlunr world \ dorh partake of. For fiice the I Moone is fnch a vafl-, fuch a (olid and opacoQS body lik^carearth (as was above proved) why mi y ic not be probable, chac chofc thin- ner and thicker pans -ippean^g in hfr, doe (hew the diferciiCc h^- twixt the Tea '\K\ii land in chac other world 5 and GaliUfu ii^^obiS nof^ butfchac if our earth were vifiJ^le acchcfannc dlftancej tlitre would bs the like appf arance of it. As for the hirme of thofe fpot*^., fome of the vulgar thinkc they re- prefenca man,anJ the Pocrs gutile 'tis the boy Eudtmiori^\'^hQ\zc .m- pany (lice luvfsfo Willi, rharOitr earring him wich her, others will have ic oncly to be the faceot' a I man as the Moone is ufually p ftn jred, but ^/^tr/«^thinV'ts rather. 105 * Eufcblus The dijcoipery cbac ic reprdcntsa Lyon v.'ith his tailc coivards the E>ft^ and his head the Wcft^ and * iomc ochas have thought ic to be vcr-. much like a Fox,& certainly 'tis as much like a Lvon as r ha^ in the Zo^ltni^t, o? as J^r/^ wjjV is like a Bcare. I fhould guclTe that ic repre- fetits one of thcfe aswellasano ther, end any thing elfc as well '^ ('^^ the truth of chut [^ropofiion l'^^^'^^^^ ^^'• which I have now fet dtnvnc. Rue before 1 c^me co the connrnuc ion of irj (hall fricitiOii chcie iciupks which at lirft made meedoubcuf che truth ot this opinion. I. Iraiay beobjed^ed/tisprr- b.^^ble^ if there be any f ch ka and landasours ihati: b^arsfomc pro- portion af.d limilicude v^'ich our*^^ : but now sh.s Propohcion take? a- u'ay io6 Extrcit- j8. Pf The Dijcoyiery ••^■^^ I ■^MWM— ^■-kJK^ fcMMMWi^ «^»»»«»— ^il^l,^ ^__^ way all Jikcnefle bee wixt chctr/or whereas the fiiperficies of our earth is but the third part of the whole furface in the globe, two parts being overfpread with the water (as Scaliger obfcrves) yet here accord ing to this opialon, the S:afhould be lefle then the Land, fince there is not fo much of the befpotted,as ther is of the enligh- I teiaed parts^ v;hereforc 'tis pro* j bable, that either there is rofach j thing at all, or elfc that the brigh- ter parts are the Sea. 2. The water, by rear)n of the imoothnefie of its (uperficie?, fcemcs becter able to rcfl.^ft the \ Sun bcames then the earthy which in moft places is (cyfuU of rugged- nefleof grnffc and trees, andiuch Mceimpedimenrsofrffiwftionjand befideSjComon experience fi^ievvcs, that the water (Lines with a grea. ter and morcoloriousbrightncffe [hen the earth, therefore it fhouM feeme chat \ he \pois> are the earth, and the brighter parrs the water. But of a ncvp World. 107 But to the fiift ic ra^y be an- fwcred. 1. There is no great probability in thisconfrquence, thacbecaufe Vis (b wiih us, therefore ic muft be (o with the parrs of che Moone, forfincecbere is fich adifF:rercc betwixc them in divers other rc- fpeft s/hey may norjperhaps,agrce in this. 2. That affcrtion of Scaliger is | Bt hUtterk not by all tranced for a truth. Fro^ \^^* ^* ^- wo^i^m with others^ thinke, that I * • the fupcrficies of tbe Sra 2nd Land in fo nuch of the world as is alrea- dy difcovcred^is cqa^n^aad of che famecxfenf^on. 5. ThcOibeof thicl'eari'lva- porous aire which cncon^patTes the Moone, makes the brighter parts of(hat Pbner appearc big- ger then in thtmCIvesihey arc ; ai. I Ihill (hew afterwards. To ihe feco. d it may be anfwe- red, that rhough the vwttr b,- c f a ctilo ubiflumbtim ahra- jum funzty (Qich C^rdin) as in Looki( g-glafJes where part of the kad is raized off, and uorhing left behind to reverberate the image, the rpecies muft there pi(Tc through and nocbackeagaine; fo it is where the beamrs pencrrare and fi.ike inco chc (iibftance ofthc body, there cannot be fuch an im- mediate and llrong rtfl flion as ivhcn they arc bcatc backe from the fapcrficies^ a )H thi?reforethc Sunne caults a greater bcareby farre upon the La. id then upon the warer. Now as for that experi- ment, where \\% fii J^that the wa- ters have a orciarer brighcncff: then the Lan i : I anfvvcr, 'tis true onely there v-herc they ic- prcfenc the image of the Sanne or fome bright cloud, and not ^11 other places 3 a3 is very plaine }\ ■■MMMauWMtlMI oj atis'^'World. 109 I DffahL'^, nbiac by corrmon obfcrvaciop. i So that no:wichftanding thole doubts, yec this Propofi-ionmay rcmaine true, that the (pots may be the SiCj an J the brighter pares the Land. Of this opinion was. Plutarch : u uo him aflentcd Kep-* hf and (j AiUuf^ whcfe words arcthw('3 5i quis vetsrU'n Pytha^ zori-ornm fenterjttjm excufcujvc vrln, If^namfcilicct ejfe ^f^jfi ten- ■ ^y^^,.^^.,^ Ycmalttrarn, 'jftspjrs I'^cidtoTtcr- ^ Ycn*im juperjicnm^ chfiurior verb AqH^amniiQ^is corgrae r^pr^efc^tel. Alibi Hit cm duhmm fJt nw qujm tcrrffiiis glohi i lovgc cnr.fpeSi^^i^^ 4 radiii joljTtbHs perfuji^ terream ffipifficiem clariirem^ ebft'Ufiorcm vero aquijm fefe i« coy^ffcSum da^uram. ^' If any man have a ^'minde to renew the opinion of "the PjthagoreaKSy that the '^Moone is another earch, then "her brighter parts mayficlvrc- '^preicnt the earths fuperticics, '^and the darker part the water : " atid for my part J never doiibred ^^buci I I: f m II o oiiSP*:'*?^.f TheDifcol[>ery *' btit thic our earchly globe beinj ^^Hiincd uponbytheSunne, and ^' beheld at a great diQancc, the ^' Land would appeare brighceft ^' and ch e Sea more obfcurely,The rc^fonsmaybe. 1. That which I urged about the foregoing Chaprer, beciufc the water is Che thinner parr, and therefore muft give the Icfle light. 2. Becaufw! obfervaciontdsus that the fpotrcd parrs are alwaics fmoochand equally havingevery whereanequaliiy of ligrhc, when oncerhey are enlighrcied by the Sunne, whereas the brighter pans arc frjjl^of rugged gibbcfirtts and mountaincs having miny (hades In them, as I (hall (hew more at large afterwards. That in thi« Planet there muft be Seagj CampaneHa indeavours to firove out of Soiprure iwrxptt^ ting the ffiaters above tkd Fi ma- ^cnt fpcken of in Gcnefis to be meant of the Sea in this world, For (faith he) Ms not likely that there oj ane^World. Ill there arc any (uch waters above the Orbes to moderate that heacc which they receive from their fwifc motion (as fome of the Fa- thers thinke)nor did Mofa neanc the Angells which may be called fphituall waters, as Orlgen and Aujlin would have ir3 for both thete are rcjeftcd bychegencrall confcnt : nur could hemcaneany w;ters in the (ecoid region^ as moft Commencatorrj interpret it. For firft there is nothing but va- pours, which though they arc afterwards turned into water, yec while they rcRiainc there, they arc onely the matter of that ele- ment, which may as well bs fire oreartbjorairet 2. Thofe vapors are not above the expAi3p4m^ bat in if. So that hcethinkcs there isno other way tofalveall, but by ma* king the Planets ftvcrall worlds wiihSea& Land^withfuch PtivcTS and Springs^ as wee have here be- low : Especially fince Efdra4 fpeakes of the fprings above the Fir- Confeffion. iEr(!r4-7. :4^ 1 £ 2 Firmainenc, hue I can.oc agree with him in this^, nor doe I th nke chJC any fjch cbing an be proved ourofScfiprurc, Before I proceeds to the next Pofrion, 1 (h:\\ firft anfwtrftmc doubrs which mjght be made a- gaint^thc general'cyofchi$truch, whereby it may /ecmcimpoffible chat there (honld beeicher S^a or LandinrheMjone; forfijcefh;; mov-sfofvvifcly as Aftronomcrs oblervc, v^hy then does there no- thing fdll from her, or uhydorh tliec not rhake (bmething ou*by ihs Celerity of her revolu ion ? I aiifwer, you niuft kfK)VV chat the inclination of every heavie body, coics proper Center doth luffici- ently tie U unro its place^, (ochat r^ppofc any thing were feparaccd, yet muft it necclfarily rcturnca- gaine^and there is no more danger ohhcir falling, into our world then trerr is fcare of our falling inco cheMoone. But yet there are many fabulous rchcions rchcioas of (uch things as have drupp«4 chence. There is a calc I of the N^meanLyon that Hrrc«- lesd^VJ^ which firft rufhing a- |mor.g the beards ouc of his un- j knownc dro in the Mouncaine of j Cjtheron in Boeeilt^ the credulous 'people thought he was fciicfrom i their Gcddtdc the Moone, And I if a whirle-windc did chance to (Iiacch any thing up, and after- wards raine \i doiViie agaiac, the ignorant multitude arc ape to be- lieve tn^cicdiopf: from H:^ayen. Thus /Iz/icennd relates the ttory of a CdP; which fell downe in a (tormc.che bdinldcrs thinking it a Mooctilfcand chat it k\\ thence. So Ca^ddn travelling U[ion the ApeiiriucM-'nncaip.cSj a ftddcn bUft tooke ofl his hit, which if it had b:ene carryrd farre, !ie thi .ks the pcafints who had perceived ic jtofal!^ would havcfwofDC it hid I rained hats, After fbme fuch man- ! j ner many of our prodigies com^-: ! to paffc 1 and the peoDle are wil- TlliWUHIIIli MIKllll HI iiOmmM f ^»IW IH «| ■wi>li«H jJM** <^r.n^t,^1mtmmtm^<'<'■'■ 114 I itk The difcolpery " » im^l .»»< T 3 lipg ro believe any things which f hey niay relate co others as a verv ft'^ang^' and wonderfull erent. I doubt nor but the Trojan PaUidu urn ^ the Romane-/^iw€/t;^, aid our Ladits Church at Lohuq^ with many ftcred rcliq»ies prtfcr- vcd by the Papifts mij^hc oroppe from the Moone as well as any of thefe. Burjicmaybe agaireobj fted^ fuppo/e there were a bullet (hot upin ihac worldj would not the Moonr runne away from ir^before it could U\\ downe, fince the mo- tion nf her body (being every day round rs\xx earth) isfarre fwifccr than I he other, and fb the bullet muft be Irfr bchinde,and a: length fall downe to as ? To this 1 aiifwer, 1. ]fa bullet could befhotfo farre till it came to the circumfe- rence of thoft things «irhich belong to our center, then ic would fall downe to us.- 2. Though there Tvcre Tome ^ heavy i ' '^^««4»*>«HinnMv«win9^ oja new World. hcavicbodya grcac height in that aycr, yet would the motion of i s c«;ntrc by an attraftite Ycrcue ftill hold ic whin i^8 convenient di- ftance,tb that whether their ear* h moved or flood fiill, yet would the fume violence ca(^ a body from ic equally farre. That I may the plainer exprefle my meaning, 3 will fee do wnc this D.»a£iammc, i a Siippofc ■i^>MMBMMM ^M 1 5 I The diJco'r>ery "V ■/ I Suppoft this earth were A, wl/icb was CO move in the circle QD. and Ice the bullet be fuppo- Ovtt rhe Seas he might h.ivc (liips, c»nd over chc land horlb ^ bac hce muft have wings b;rore he could gee up thuhcr. Such fafety did thofe barbarounjations cu; ceive in che mountaines whcreunto they were tetyrcd, cercalricly rhen fuch ufifull pa-'ts ivere nor the eftft ofmansiinne, or produced by the Worlds curft che flood^but rather ac the fiilt created by the good- ncffe and providence of ch^ AK mighiy. So that if I intend to prove that the Moone is fuch a hab'cabk world as this is, 'cis rcquifitethat I nn*w it to hcivethe fame conve- nienc's of hablracion as this hath, and here if foiiic Rabbi or Chy^ rnickewcre to handle the point fhey would firli prove it out of Scriprur.^ , from' th.^r pbcc in Afokslh bltfli g^ v^^htre hee fpeakes of the atci. nr moun- tain's and laOing hils , Deut. 33 oj\i new World. I li for having imme.ii.itely before mentioned thofe bLfH ^i^,? v^^'hich (houldhjppen nninlofcph byrhe infl'Jt^iKc ot die Moonc , h^^ dors pieftntly ex^guicaJly vcf■^u■: the in bl (li-g bim wirh the chie.4 tlmigsof the ancieiK Mo.]nt.:inc;s and iafVn'g hiI^' • you m jy .ilf) /ee the Q(v.e cxpretfiou u[,:d in Ijcobs Bur however wc miy de.?Ie pro orr/^«iri Phili«fopny,y"cvve mail not )e(l: uuli ciivnie rriKi^f, or bring Scripture! CO panroi i^.. ?ny fancy of onr ownc,tiioug!% j.cr- j hap?^ icbcrrutli^ For the \>c->U:y | proofr of this propoii^i- n J niJj'tc | here cifcrhe r^^fii.rony l Vi'd'j^ I nif, \v!io chon^JK chc M>o'<^^ to bte foil of rugipfed piao:s , vi^ut \ UYTSjinblis tHmulis ppirLi!iof.:/j^ \ b'lt he er^cd -laich iu (0:11. Circi; 'i- j lUiicesoiMiis opinion, e/jnc aiiy j v.hrr.^he (lies, rh:roiS3»i llh>d j in^.hc>ie hi!s nuyro c!k* eye brJ j p!ai.;Lly c'ifcovercii 5 and tor this \ ^^jy ^ ^"^ ' f\\ ^ rx '^^ iZi The Difcoyery * Vfi,aut /.i.r. If- \vliitJepUc. rcafon. * C£Vim calls him a fabu. lou5^Writer,bucyou may fee more cxprefl'e authority for thcproofc of this in the opinions of Anaxa^ goras and Vemocrituf , who held that this Phnet was full of cham- pion grounds^ mountains and val- lies, and this ftcmcd Hkcwife pro^ 5 babk unto j4figf^fitnm Nifni^ \7hofe words arc thefe .• Forfitan nt^n f/? temoitim dicerejun^ partes f(fe diver fis^vthtifiint part est err^i \ «i/rf, ex (jfSitrum differentia effici ' ]prtej} fjciifS ila lundi • nee eft ra* j lions dijfufihm^ nam lun:i tfl corpui J irr.pcrfeUe Spl,\tricf^m^ cum fit cor^ : pus ak tihim^ ccelo elongatum ^ Ht \/uj/ra dixi jirijioteles^ PerhjpSj \^^\i would not be amiOc ro lay I ^^ that the parts of ihe Moone i *--* were divers, as the parts of this ^' r;irth,whercof fjme jrcvallieSj I '' ar,d Coxn^ m juntaiacs^ from the l^diffjicncc otwhichj fomefpots j **in the Moone may proceed, nor is this 3gainft rcafon , for that « Planet (C <^ Plancc cannot be pcrfcdiy Iphe- '^ricall/inc< 'tis to rcfiiotca b')ciy «< from the fi^lt orbe, as AriJlotU ^^ liad faid before. You may fee this truih aiT^ntcd untoby BUrica- «/^the Jvlbit, andby himc >nfir- nifd With divers realb.^s, K^pUr ha h obfi.^rvcd in the M jacs fclipfts, thac thedivifion ofhwr cnlighcfcned pare from theftadcd, was made by a crooked urcijtuK linejOt which ihcfc cannot beany probable caufcconcc^ived, uol ff, icdid aiife from therugg di if: ofchat planer , fcr ic cannor v all be produc'd from ihc (h^d" of ;ny mountains here npon e^nh , be- caufc ihi Cz would be fo 1 : ih^A bv- tore thev coold reach fo high in a coiiicall (hjdow^ that they would net be at all Gnfible untou^ T^s mighteafiJy be demonrt rated) nor j caj ic be conceired wh^t rcifon ot j this difference there (hould be in I the Sonne.Whereforc there being no other body that hath any thing \ to doc in ecIipfi^jWC muft ncctiA- i ^^ Mundl -^P^on, Opt. rilv i »^'4 The Dijco'^ery \ mm\ ■■ ■■ ■ nly corcludt^thaticisca'fedbya vafkty of parts in \hi Moone it frife ^^A what cm there be but its gibbofiries ? Now if you fhould askc a reaf)!! why there fliould be ftch a iimilicude of thefc in that Plincr, the fame 7ery 11 i rt*? 1/ III 'lis jifl Afftife ill ' 'i' '' III' "; U ' |l If J',''" !Mi N 1 !'"! i m I'll 'lii'i SoppofcARCD fo repn?fent rfie appejnnce of the Mooncs body btirgrafex i!c, you msy fcefomc br);^hrer p^rts ftparafed at a prer^y f^iibrcc from the other, wMchanbfc poihingelfe biic a n flex ton ofthc Sunne-beamcs up- o^ fomc partstliac ^re higher rhcn 'hcri^fl^^ud chofeobfcure gibbo. / ofanc^lVcrld. [firics which ftard out (owardsthc I enlightened parrs mu!i bee fuch boUo'^v and deepe j^Iaccs whereco the rayes cannot rrach, but when the Moone is got furrlnr off from the Sonne, and come co th.u fuU nefleifischis line BD doth repre- fenc her under, then doc rhef^ pares alfb receive an cquail light, excepting onely rhic difference which do:h appe^re bet wixc chtir fca and land. Andifycudoccn(i- der how any rugged body would appeare, being enlightned, yoa would cafily conceive chic ic mnft neccflarily fe^mc under (brae ftch gibbous ur.ecjuall forme, a^ the Mooncisherereprcfcnced. Now forchcinfallibllicyot thefc appea- rances,! (ball referre the reader to that which hath beene faid in :he 6^^ Propofirion. Bat Cafar la GaSj ?ffirmc?,chic all thcfe appearances may confift with a phine fuperficics^ if wcc (uppofe the parts of the body to be ferae of d)?mj VyiphjyoMyiip.d . * fonn? *•? 28 The difcoyery ihat the light which is conveyed to any diaphanous pare in a ol^inc fapcrficies muft be Ny a co. tinaed li'ie, w-^ereas here chcreappsarc many b>ighc^r pares air^ong the '^bicurearrme dKlance fromthi: 'dl. Tochishea fvvtrs^icmaya- rile tf om foiTiL* (I. cr^t conveyances and chjnnel? wichir; her b jcly^cbac doc coi.fiii of a morcdi^phinoui^ rr;iiccr which being covered oyer wi;h an cpuci^^ iisfnperficics, the \^'^}^^z paflii^g ihrongh iiienr rnuy brea?;c our a grc:ac way ofF, i': hcrc- ^s the orlier parts hcimxz may li'll remaine darke. Juftasthc tuviir ^mhnfa m Skilc which ruoncs under ground for a great ^v>y, andafcrjnvards breakcs one sgaiif. Four bfcrujlcchisiaoneof rhe ch'Ciclt fancies whereby hee chiakes hee hacn fully anfivered cheargUT^ems of diisopimon^ I will therefore fee downe his an • f'werein hisownc words, lert the. Reader n.ight fijfp-a: more in I — - tht^n of a new World. them then I have cxprcffcd. No^ ejl imfojfibile cacos dutlus diaphatti (frpcrfpicui corpdrify fed ^pacAfu- ferficie protendt^uf^ tn dtapha>9jm aliquam ex prof undo injaperficfem, mcr^entem p4rte»fyper cjhoj dalim lumen hf^go pojlmodnm intcrjituo irumpat , drc. Buc I reply^ifthc fuperficiesbccwixc chefetwo en- lightened parts rcmainc darke bccaufeof its opacityjchen would iC3lwaifsbedarke,andthc Sonne could not make it partake ofJight more then it could of pcrfpicaity : But this contradiQs all experience as you may fee in GaliUtM , who affirmcs that when the Sunne comes nearer to his oppoficion, then that which is betwixt them, bo:h is cnlightaed as well as ei- ther. N»ythisoppo(cshi« owne- eyc-wicncffc,for hcconfefles him- fclfethathc fiwthisbyth^glaire He had {aid before that he came to fee thofc ftrange fights difco- vercd by G^/i/^^/ his gUirewiih an intent of contradiftion^and you K rnav 129 Cap* 1 1 . -'■S—f- / 11 i*~Jk. X3O / '\ The Di(co'very , 1i^M^^i^^»^«i^W^— .^M^ ■ .l^»^1.» ■■■W.IM. .«Wi^— — — ^— may rcadc that contircned in the weakcntfle of this anfwerej which rather bcwraycs an obftl- nace then a pcr(wadcd will , for otherwife fiire hce would never have undcrtookc to have deflroy- ed ilich cercaine proofcs wich fj groundlejffc a fancy, Bucicmaybee objefted, that •cis almoftimpofTible,andalcoge- ther unlikely chat in the Moonc chece fhuald be any moantaines fo high as chofc obftrvations make them 3 for doe but fiippofe accor- ding CO the common principles, that the Moones diameter unto the Earths is very ncere to the proportion of 2. to 7, fuppoft withall that the Earths diameter containes about 7000 Icalian niiles, and the Moones 2000 (as is commonly granted ) now Gali- /<««/ hath obfcrved that fome pans have been enlightened when chcy were the twentieth pare of the diameter diftant from the com- mon terme of illufliination, fb that hence hence it muft neceffarily follow \ that there may bee (bme Moun- 1 taincs intheMooncfohigh^ that chey :irc able to caft a fhadow a 100 miles off. An opiuionthac foiuids like a prodigic ora fiftion; wherefore 'cis likely that either thofc appearances are caufcd by fomc what elli befides mountaiae?, or d(c thofe are fallible obfer- vationSj from whence naay follow fuch improbable inconcciveabk confcquences. But to this I aofwerc; I .You miift confider the height of the Mountaines.is but very lictkyf yon compare them to the Icngch of their fhadowe?. S^.^^A ttr Kan>kiib obfervcs that the Mount Athos now called Lacoi cafts its fhadow 360 furlongs, which is above 37 miles 5 and yet thac Mount is none of the highcft, nay Solinus ( whom I lliould ra- ther believe in this kinde)affirmes that this MouDCaine gives his fha- dow quite ovec tbc Sea, from K 2 Mactaen 1. 1 1 . lifZ ' The DifcQfvery ■■ ■ ■ ■ II ■ ■III. —■■^■■1 III! !!■ , MAcedon to the lie of Lemnos which is 700 far longs or 84 miles, and yet according to the common reckoning ic doth fcarce reach 4 miles opwards^ in its perpendicu- lar height* 3, iafSrmethat there are very high Mountaines ia the Moone, Kcflar and Galtltfis thinkc that they are higher than any which are upon our earth. But I am not of their opinion in this , becaufc I fuppofe they goe up^n a falfc ground whilft they conceive that the hjgheft raountaine upon the carchis not above a mile pcrpen- dicular. Whereas 'tis the common opi- nion and found true enough by obfervation^that Oljmpuf:,t/itla$, Taumt and Emns^ with many othcrsare much above this height. tinarifa in the Canary Hands is proved by computation to bee a. bove 8 miles perpendicular, and about this height is th I ■ 154 The difcoipery plainely difccrnc /bme cnlightned parts fwhich are the mountaines) to be diftant from the other about the twentieth pare of the diarac rer. From whence it will follow, that thofc mountaines muft necei- fatily be at the l«ft foure Italian n^iles in height. v^- A_ B For let B D E F be the body of the moone , A B C will be a ray or beamc of the Sunoe, which enlightens a mountainc at A and Bis 5 is the poincof concir7gency,chc diftance betwixt A and B muft bee (uppofcd to be the twentieth pare of the diameter which is an loo raiks/or fo far are (bme cr I ghce- I cd parrs fevered from the com- mon ferme of illumination.Now the aggregate ot the quadrate from A 5 a hundred , and BG a 1000 will bee loioooo, unto which the quadrate arifing from AG muftbeequall according to the 47^^ propoficion in the firft booke of elements. Therefore the whole line A G 19 (bmewhat more than 104, and the di- ftance betwixt H A muft be above 4 miltf Sjwhich was the thing to be proved. But it may beagaine objefted, if there be fuch rugged pares , and fo high mouncaines, why then cannot wee difcerne them at this diftance, why doth the m jone ap- pearc unco us fo cxaflly round, and not rather as a wheele with teeth > K 4 I I anfwercjby reafon of coo gxtat a diftancc, for if the whole body appearc to our eye fo little , then thofe parts which beare fo fmall a proportion to the whole will not at all be fcnuble. But it may be replied, if there were aoy fuch remarkcable hils, why docs not the limbc of the moone appearc like a whcele with teeth to thofe who looke upon it through the great per. Tpt ftive on whofe witnefleyou fo much depend? or what reafon is thtfethac ftie appearesascx^Sly round through it as fiiee doth to the bare cye?certainely then either there IS no fuch thing as you ima- gine, or tKe the glafTc lailes much in this difcovery. To this I fhillanfwerc out of I, You muft know that there is not mcercly one ranke of moun- taines about the edge of the moone, but divers orderi, one mountaine behind another, and fo / of a ne'So World. fo there is foraewhat co hinder chofe void fpaccs which oiher^ wife,pcrhap8^ mig^t appearc. Now where there be many hils, the ground fcemes even f o a man thac can fee the tops of all. Thus when the fei rages, and many vaft waves are hticd up, yec all may appearc plaineeaough co one chacftandsatchcfhore. So where chere arc lb many hi!s,the insq'i> licy will br leflTc remarkable, if it be difcen^ed at a diila: ce, 2. Though thti c be mountains in that part v^hich apprarr^ unto US, to be thelimbeofcheMjooe, as well as in any other place, yet che bright vapoars hide (heir ap- pearance : for thtrc is an o;be of thicke vaporous aire chac doth immediatlycompaffe fhcbodyof fhc Moone, which though it have tloc fo grear opacity, as to termi* nacc the fighr, yec being once en- lightened by the Sunne, ic doch re- prcHnt the body of the Moone lender a greater forme,andhind'r« our ■m y 138 The Dijcolpery our fight from a diftinft view of her true circutrfcrence. But of thi8 ia the next Chapter* I have now fufficiently proved, that thcr? arc hills in the Moonc, and hence it m^y (ceme likely that there is alfo a worId5for fince pro- vidence hath fonjc fpeciallendin all its workeSj certainly then thcfe mountaines were tiot produced in vaine, and what more probable meaning can wee conceive there (hould be, than to make that place convenient for habitatioa. Propofition 10. That there is 4* Atmo^fphiZfa^ or an orbe of groffe vaforous aire^ intmtdiately tncom^ajjingthc bo' djofthc Moouc. A S that psrt of our aire which j1\ is ncerert to the earth, is of a thicker (iibftance than the other, by reafon tis alwaics mixed with forae of a neyp World. I 159. fome vapoars, which are cocirina- allycxhaledintoit.So is; ir equally requifice, that if there be a world intheMoone, that the aire about [hat fliould be alike quahficd with ours. Now, that cl''ere i^ fucb an otbc of groffe aire, was firll o( all (for ought I can rcad^) obfcrved by Mejlin^ afterw.irdf aif.occd un- to by Keplar a'^d Galil^w^ a.id ' K/J^Eufeb. fince by Baptifta CifatHs,Shemr\f^^^^^ wiih other J, all of them confir- !/, . ,, ming ic by tne lame atguniencs which Khali onelycire^ d.nd then leave this Propolition. I. Tis oblcrvcvij that To much of the Mijonc as is cnlighce' ed^ is alwaies part ofa bigger circh then chat which is darker. Their fre- quent expc'rii^ncQ hacli pro\?ed this, and an eati^ obfervation may quickely confirmc ic. But now this cannot proceed^? from any o- thcr caufe fo probabIe>as from this orbe of aire, efpecialJy when we confidcr how thi^c planet (hining wicJi a boirowcd light, doth not fend nmm i4o V pars %, M7« The Di/colPery fend forth any fuch raycs as may make her appearance bigger then her body, t. 'tis obfcrvcd in the Sola^ cclipfeSjthat there is a great trepi- dation about the body of the Moone, from which we raay like- wife argue an Atmofphzn^ fincc we cannot well conceive what fo probable a caufe there fhould be of fuch an appearance asthif, §Hod radii SoUres a vaporihm Lunam amhicntibHS futrint imercifi^ that the Sun beames were broken and refrafted by the vapours thaten* compaffcd the Moone. 3. I may adde the like argu- ment taken from another obferva- tion which will be eafily tried and granted. When the Sunne is eclipfed, wee dilcerne the Moone as (hee is in her owne natural! big- neGc, but then fheappcaresfbme- what IcflTc then when fhee is in the full, though Ihe be in thcfamc place of her fuppoftd excentrick and epicycle, and therefore T;^/?^ hath oj a neT0 World. hacb calcuUied a Tabic for the Diameter of the divert new Mooncs. But now there is no realbn (b probable to Give this appearance, as co place an orbe of thicker aire, necre the body of that planer, which may be en- lightened by the reflsftcd beamcs, and through which thcdircft raics may ea&ly penetrate. Bat forne mayobjeft that this will not confift with that which yjti before delivered, where I laid, that the thinncft parts had Icaft light. If this were true3 bow comes it to paflTi then, chat this aire fliould be a$ bright as any of the other parts, when as tis the thin- nettofall? I anfwcr, if the light be re- ceived by rcfleftion, then the thickeft body bath moft^ becaufe it is bcft able to beate backeche raies, but if the light be received byillumination(tfpeciaHyifthere be an opacous body bshirrde, which I4I flfi/JV.T,P.f §»t. I I4£ The Difcolpery which may double the beamcs by reflexion^ as it is here, thcnlde. ny not buc a chinnc body may re- raine much light, and perhaps, lomeof thofe appearances which ivee take for fiery comets, jre no- ticing clfe b::it a bri^hc cload enlightened, fo that probable it is, there maybe fuchaire wichouc the Moone, and hence ic comes to p^ffc, that the greater fporg arc onely vifible towards her middle part»3 2nd none neere the cir- cnmfercnce, not but that there arc fomc as well in thofe parts as elfc where, but they are not there perceiveablc, by reafon of thofe brighter vapours which bide them* Propofition *"*W««HSlW-__^ of ane'^World, 4J Propofition ii. That M their world is our CMione^ fiourworUh ihiir Mo9ne, I Have already handled the firfl: thing that I promifed accor- ding to the Method which Ari'^ flotle ufes in his Bookc de Mundo^ and(hew*d you the mcetfiry parts that belong to this world in the Moone. In the next phce 'cis rcqciifice that I proceed co thofe things which arerxtiinfecalluu- to ir, as the Scaibuii, Uic Me- teors, and the Inhabitants. I. Of the Seafons; And ifthcrcbefuch a world in the Moone, 'fit' requifi^c then that their jfeafons (hould he (()mew^y correfpondenc unto ours, that they fliould have Winter and Summer, night and day^ as wee have. Now that in this Planet there is Tome Crailicudc of Winter and Sum- 1 < •B^ which may double the bcamcs by reflexion^ as ic is here, then I de. ny nor bu( i chinne body may re- raine mnch light, and perhaps, iorneof thofe appearances which wee take for fiery comets, are no- thing clfe bat a brie;hc cload enlightened^ Co that probable it is, there maybe fuchairc without the Moone, and hence ic comes to paflV, that the greater fpots arc onely vifiblc towards her middle parts, and none neere the cir- oimfercnce, not but that there arc (bmc as well in thofe parts as clfe where, but they are not there perceiveable, by reafon of thofe brighter vapours which hide them* Proposition o/aneyoWorid. Propofition ii. That at their world is oar LMttne. Coettrworldii their Moene, I Have already handled che firft thing that I promifed accor- ding CO the Method which .d?ri- flotlc uiis in his Bookc de Mundoy andfliew*d youthenrcelfiry pates chat belong to this world in the Moonf. In the next pljce 'cis rcqnifice thit I proceed co thofe things viyhich are cxninfecall un- to ir, k's the S^'afbriii, Uic Me- teors, and the Inhabitants. I, Of the Seafons; And if^herebefuch a world in the Moone,Vu;requifixthen chat their (eafbns (hould he fomeway correfpondenc unto ours, thit they fliould have Winter and Summer, night and day^ a3 v/cc have. Now that in this Planet there \% fome fimilitude of Winter and Sam- 4J w.. Jgn Dc yn. dni- FUt.defac Dc riMturd The Difcolpery • ^Ma^>a.%ia Siimmrr is affirmed by jiriftoth himlclfc, fincc there isonehemi- fjjhcare that hath alwaks hcatc and light, and ihe other that hach da kaeflfeandcold. True indeed, their daks and yeensarcalwaics of one and the fame lcngch,buc tis (b with u8 al(b under the Poles, aid therefore that great difFireoce is not (uffidcnc to make it alcoge. rher uuIikc ours, nor can we ex* p' ft that every thing there ftiDuld be in the lame manner as it is here below, as if nature had no way bni ^nc to br'ng about hcrpur^ pofes* Wee may eafily fee what g eac differences there are amongft us, betwixt things of the fame kmde. Some; men (fay rhey) there are, who can live onely upon (mells^wiihout eating anything, and the fame Plant, faith Btfoldm^ hath fomecimcs contrary efFefts. M^^idr agora which growes in ^j* fia\ flaines the Iu(i,wheras Jllan* \ dragora wh'ch grows in ochcr pla- ces doth coole the blood & quench luft. Now of a new World. Now if wich us there be ^uc^> great difference bccwixc thing? of chefame kinde^ wc have no reafbn then to ihinke ic neceffary that both the(e worlds fhould be alto- gether alike, bucicmiyfuffice if they bee correfpondenc in fome- thing onely^ however ic rjiay be queftioned whether ic doth not feeme to be againft the wifedomc of providence^to inake the night of to great a length, when they have dich a long time unfit for vvorke ? I anfwereno, fincc tis fo , and more with us al(b under the poles; andbefides, thcgene- ralilength of their night isfome- whac abated in the bigntfle of their Moone which is our earth. For this returnes as great al'gh- unto that Planet, as ic receives from ic.Bac for the better proofe of this J fhall firft free the v;a7 from ftch opinions asmigl^c oiherwife hinder the fpeedc of a clearer progreffe. Plmarch one of the chiefc pa- L trons ^^4 Vlut.defac> In hit. 1/^ r 14^ The dijco^ipery trons of this world in chcMoone, doth dlrcftly concradift chis pro- pofition J affirming, chac thofc who live there may difcerncour WOT Id as rhe ^reggcs and fcdi- ment of all other creatures, ap- pearing to tbcm through clouds and fo^^gy rnifts, and that altoge- ther devoid of lightjbcidg bafe and unmoveablc, fo that they might well iiragine the darkc place of damnation to be here fituatc, and that they oncly v;crc the inha- biters of the world, as being in the raidft betwixt Heaven and Hell. To this I may anfwcre, *ns pro- bable that Plutarch fpake this inconfidcratcly, and without a rcafon^which makes him likewifc fall into another ab(urditiej when he (ayes our earth would appcare immoveable , whereas qucliion- lefTc though ic did not, yet woiiid it fccme to move, and theirs to ftand flill , as the Land doth to a man in a Shippe ; according to that thac of the Poet : Trovchimtir fortu^ UYf<£^j mhfj. reccdnnt* And I doubt not but chat inge- nuous Auchour would eafily hav.^ recanted if hre had becne but ac- quainted with thofe experiences which me:i of latter times have found out, for che confirmation of this truth. 2. Uuto him affents IlUcrohist4^ whofe words are thcfe ; Terra ac- ctftofolU luminc clarcfcit^ tamtHm- mQdo ^ nonrelHcct. *' Tnecar^h **is by the Si^nne-bt^ame^ made ''brightjbuc not able to enlighten *^ any thing fo fa^re. And lus rcaionis, becaufcthis being of a thickc and groffe matter, the light is terminated in its fuperfici^rs, and cannot penetrate into the fubftanccj whereas the moonc doih therefore ftcmefb bright to u% becaufe it receives the blames within it (elfe. But the wcakn^-ffi^ of this aflertion, may bseealily n^anifcft by a common experience*, I. 2 n:^r MS . The Difcorvery ^' ■■ I C.4* for j}oli(hcdliccle (whoreapacicy wU not give any admittatjce to the laycsj refl .ft»a ftrongcrhtacc then ghlfej and io conlequcncly a greater light. 3. *Tis cht? generallconfentof Phih'fophers, chut the rcflftion oF the Sunnc-beamcs from the earth doth not reach much above halfe a railc high , where they tcrmi^^ate the firlt region 5 fo that CO c^ffi m- they might afccnd to the moone, were to f^y, there werebut one region of aier^which contraciftsthc proved and recei- ved op!:^ion« Unto this It may be anfwered : That it is indeed the common confent/hat the reflexion of the Sunne-beamcs reach onely f o the (econd region, but yet fome there are, and thofc too Philofophers of good note , who thought oiher- vrife. Thus flninw is cited by C^H^s y Si corjcipiof te in jublimi cjuiif^am mutidi loco^ undc oculU (nbjiCiatUT terra nicies aqnid ar- cumfnfi* ,''gr^:-'-'.- jyiili) WW».»PI>W|S»5 iil«M|i(«"W«nillM»« of a ne^ World, 149 ihjirAta^ fton alum prafecio vifam iri trohahile eji ^ cjuam q^AlU modo vifdtur Innaris globf fpecies. ** If f' yoia did conceive your fclte to ^^bee in feme Ibch high place, <^ ivhere you raighc difccrne the ^nvhole Glub(i of the earth and ^^ water, Vjhcn it wascnlighcned ^' by (he Sunnes raycs,'fi3 probabl- ^« it would then appeare to you in ^^thc fame (h^pe as tl^c moone •'doth now unto ns. Thus aifo Carohs Mtlafemns , wbofe I P///if.tfi words are rhele, 'terrii btc ?ioJ}rj 1 ^uftt'm a in luna confliiuti cjfemtis^ fplea* (x^* dida prorfus quafi non iguobilU planeta^riohU ^ppAterct^ ^' If wee ^' were placed in the moone, a id 'ffrom thence b.held this our '^car'hjic would jppeareuntous ^fyery bright ^ like one of the '^ nobler Planecs. Unto tl^fc doch Fromoridiis S^Vit^ wheahe five's, Cndo eqaidem quod ji ocuhiS qiiif- fi.imin Ofbe Innari foret ^ globttm Meteor.ii, terra Cfr aqfi(Z iufl^rmgentUfydens j c.^,drt,^. L 3 ^fl'^l l^O The difcoDery a joU iOftflrem confficeret. << | ''believe thaccliis globe of earth ''and water would appcare lilce "/bme great S:arrc to any one ''vvhoflioiild looke upon it from '^chcmoone. Now this could not be ; nor could it (hine fo remark- ably, unlcffethc beames of light were rcfleiled from it. And chere- fureiheiame F/'^mW^cxprtfly hoMs, that the firft region of ayre is thtfe ter?ninated, where the heacc caufcd by reflexion begins tolanguifb, whereas the bcamcs rhcmfl'Jvesdoe palTea great f/ay furihcr. The chicfe argument which doth moft plainely mani- feft this truth, is taken from a common obfcrvadon which mayj b^ cafily ttyed. \^ yoa behold the Moone a little before or after the conjun- (5i jon.w'hcn (Ik is in a Textile with theSunne, yon may difcernc rot onely the part which is enlight- ned, but the red al(b to have in it a kind ofa duskift!ight,burlfyou ..^ chufej II »n Hill iii>wiwff« of A nexo World, chufeout fiich a fcicuation, where (brae houfe or chirancy ( being (brae 70 or 80 paces diftam from you) may hide from your eye the enlightned homes , you may then difcerne a greater and more rc- markeablc (hining in tho(e pares unto which the Sunnc bcames cannot reach- nay there is (b great a light J that by the hejpe of a good perfpeftive you may dif- cerne its (pots. Info much that BUncavuf the Jefuite fpeakingof it fayes ^ H£c experhntia ita me diquando fcfcUst , ut in huncpil- g^rem cafn ac repents inciderjs^ ex* ifiimayfm novo quodam miracuh tempore adoUfcentii lHfi£pthifne[fc ^Umltiuhtm, f' This experiment "did once fo deceive mee, th.K *^ happening upon the fight of this *' brjghtnclle upon a iudden, I *^ thought that by fome new mi- ^^racle the Moone had beene got '^ into her full a little after her *^ change. But now thislightisnot proper L 4 CO I5« De mundi falf.p.3V*S' ^ l(yX Pmyrr, i . l.to.c.y the dijcoyery from the rayts of the Sunnc which doth penetrate her b^jdy , nor is ic canfcd by any other ot thePh^ nets and Scarrc s.Therefore ic muft ncccfiarily follow, that ic comes from the earth. Thecwofirftof ihele I have already proved , and as for the hft, ic is confidently .iflfirmed by Caliuf ^ Quod fi in dijqfi jitioncm evocet ••'««<•«•• Ic doth not proceede from the fixed ftarreSjfor then ic would re- tiinc the Gm^ light in cclipfcs, whereas the light at (uch times is more ruddy and dnil. Thenalfo the light of the Moone would not be greater or Icffer, according CO irs dittarxe from the edge of the earths (hadow, fince icdid at all times equally pircicipatethis light of theltarrcs. Now becaufe there is no otlier body in the whole Univerfe^ lave the earth, ic remaines that this light mull neccflarily be cauf^d by that which with a juft gratitude rcpaies to the Moone^ iuch il- lumination as it rtccives from her. And as loving friends equally parcicipate ot the fame joy and griefe, fo doe tWi: mutually par- take of the fime light from the Sunne , a/)d the (amc darkcnc/fs from the eclipfe?, being alfj feve- rally htlped by one another in their M5 uminmmmiiimtmtmn i»pwi»»pwWW»Mt^«w«r« !IJPH<<^-. -'^ r N 1 54 I TheDifcoyery their greatcrt wants : For when the Moone is in conjunction with the Sonne, and her upper part re- ef ives all the light, then her lower Hemifpheare (which would o- therwife be altogether daike) is enlightened by the reflexion of theSunne beamcsfrom the earth. When the(e tvvo planets are in oppofition, then that part of the earth which could not receive any light from the Sunne beame?^ is moft enlightened by theMoone, being then in her full 5 andasfhe doth moft illaminate the earth when theSunne beames cannot, fo the gratefull earth retfjrnes to her as great, nay greater light when (hec moft wants ic ; fo that al- waics that vifiblc part of the Moone which receiv(?s nothing fion^ the Sunne, is enlightened by the earth^as is proved by GjUUhs^ with many mere argiitnents, in that Treatifc which hccalls Syj\t- m^mwiJii. Trueindced^when the Moone comes to aquarale,thcn ^ of a nevp World. you can neither dilcernc thjs light 3 norycc the darker pare of hct body, but thereafon is^ bc- caufc of the exaperancy ol: the light in the other parts, ^ip^ p i^HJiratum medium (pcciem recipit valentiorem^ the clearer brightnclFcj involves the wea- ker, it being with thefpc^cicsof fighr, as it is with thof'i of fuundj and as the greater noifedrownes rhc Icffe, lo che br/ghccr objfft hides that vvhich is more obfcjre. Bii?: they doe alwaies in their rr.u- cu'ill vic TTicudes participate of one anotbers light; lo alfo doe ^h',^y partake of t!:c fame dtufts and darknings, for when our Moowe is eclipfeJj iheniJ their Sanne dar- kened, auil when our Swnne is eclipfed, then isthcir Moonedc- priv^.^duficsligbr, as you may Qe '55 m^m Seal cxerc. 6u afi umed byMf/7r>i. Quod ft ter- \^?^^'A^'^* m nobi^ ex alto Itcertt tntueri^] ^^ j qu.madmoditm dejicicHtem larum I I ex longlnqm fj^xijre pojfftmm^vi^ \ I dercmui tcmpire cclipjis foils terr^ \ \ a!iqHJ>n \ 156 The Vi/co'Very aliquam partem lumwe fi/if defi' cere^ eodem fUne medo pent ex oppnfito lunn defcity " It wee " might behold this globe of earth *^ at the (amc diftance as we doe *^the Moonc in her defefts^wce "might difcernc fome p^rc of it ** darkened in the Sunnts eclip- " fcs , jdft fo as the M »one is ^' ii) hers. For as our Moone is cclipfed by the inrerpofition of our earth, lo is their Moone cclip- ftd by thcinterpoficionofcheirs. • The niannerof this mutuallillu- niination betwixt thefe two you may plainly difcernc in this Figure following. ' Where r^ _.^,eg-'?*^: 158 The difcoyery Where A reprefencs the Sun, B the Earth, and C theMoone' NowfnpnofetheMooneC to be in arextiieofincreci(e,whentherc is oncly one fmall p^rt of her body enlighccnrd.chcn Che earth B will have fuch 4 pare of if s vifiblc He mifph-^arcdarkenedj as is propo?. lionable to that pare of the Moonc which is enlightened; and.isfor fo much of che Moone, as the Sun bcames cannot reach unco^ ic re* cdves light from a proportional] pare of the earth which fliifies upon ic, as vou may plainly per- ceive by the Figure, You fee then that agreement and fimihVude which there is be- twixt our earth arid the Moonc. No w the grraicft difFcrencc which makes chtmnnlikej is thi?, that the Moone enlightens our earth round about, U'hereas our earth gives light otiely to that Hemi- fpheareofthe Moone which is vifibic unto us, as may be cer- fainly gathered f rooj the conftant appearance of a nc^ World, ^pearance of the fame fpots^ wnich could not thus come to pafl^, if the Moone had fuch a di- urnallmocion about its ownaxiSf as perhaps our earth hach, A'ld though fomr (uppole her to move in an epicycle, yet this duth uoc fj tun e htrbody rounds that we may difccrne both Hemilpheares, for according to that hypochcfisj the motion of her cccentrick,doch turnehcrface towards us^asnioch as the other doth from us. Buc now if any quefiionwhat^ they doc foe a Moone who live | in the upper pare of htx body?{ I aofwcr, the folving of this is j the moft uncerraine and difficulc | thing that I knoio of concerning i this whole matter. But yet Ij will give youtwoprob;iblecor,- \ jcdures. I I. Perhaps, the upper Hcmi- fphcare of the Moone do:h receive a fufBcient ligt t from thofe pJa-ecs about ir^ and amongft thefe Venus (it may be) btftowcsamorce/pe- ci:*J! 59 6o I TheDifcolpe^y ciall brightnrff^ finer GAil^t^ hath plainly oiicrrnir^d that (h'r (aU fers the lame iiKreafts and decrea- fes y as the Moonc hach , and \n probable that this miy he pr.r- ccived there wirhonc the hdp of a glafli^bccaufcthryarefirrc ecrer it than wee. When f^tnm ((a th KcpUr) lies dowrjcin th.. Pcri^e or lower part of her fuppofcd Epicycle, then i^^ (he in conjunfti- onuith her husband theSunne, from whom after (hcharh depar- ted for the(p3ccof ten moneths, (hee gets f/enum uterum, and is in the full But you'll reply, thoi3gh ^erm may bettow (bme light when fhe is over the Moonc^and in con]un- ftiop, yet being in oppoficion,fhe is not vifible to them, and ivhat fhall they then doe for light ? I anfwer,rhun ihcy havcnonr; nor doth this make fo great a diN- ferencc betwixt thofe two Hemi* fpheaics as there is ^vi^h "*) t)e« twixt the places under the poles, and and the line ^ but if this bee not liiffijicnr, then I fay in the fccond place that 2, Peifiapsifurcmay be fome other tolij'.linfdboJy above the Moone which vvecannot difc^rot*, norisrhis ultogeihcr iiuprobible bt'caufe rhere U ahnoft rhe like obfcrved in Su'irnc, who jji- pearcs through this gbffe wirh rwo Icfler bodies on each fide, which may fiipply the office of MooneSj unto each hcTiifpheare chu5 : r 0 Oo So in this world al(b there nwy befomefuchbody 3 though wee camot difcerne it^ bccmfe the Moone is alwaies in a flrcighc line, bttwixr our eye and iImc. Mor Is it altogether nnMvtlytfiac ^herc fhould bee more moones ro "n^* Oibc ^ brGUifc jHpucr nl(o 18 obfcrvcd to have tourt. (ach M bodies 1(5 2 The difcoy^ery bodies that move round about him. But it may fceme a very difiRcuIc thing CO conceive , how fo grofle an<3 darke a body as our earth, (hould yceld ftch a cleare light as proceedcs from the Moone , and therefore the Cardinall dc Cufa (whothinkcs every Starrc to be a feverall world ) is of opinion that the light of the Sunncis not able ro make them appeare (b bright 5 but the reafon of their 1 (hining is , bccaufe wee behold thtrnata great diftance through their regions of fire which doe fee a (hining luflre upon thofe bodies that of themfclves are dirke.l^^r fi ^uU effet extra regiontm fgniiyi terra i^a in drcumfete^th jn& \regio7ii4 per medium ignfd lucidi. ^flella apparerct. '' So that if ai '' man vt'erc beyond the region of ^* fire, this earth would appcarci ^^ through that as a bright Scarre. But if this were the onely rcalo^ then would the Moone bet freed of a nexo World. freed from fuch incrc^ifes and decreafes as fhcc is now lyable unto. Kefiat tbinkes chat our earth receives that light whereby it (hines from the Sunhe, but this (faith he) is not fuch an intended clearc brightneflcas the Moone is capable of, and therefore hee gueflcs^that cbc earth there is of a morechokie (oyle like the He of Cretie:^ and fois better able to re- fleft a firongev Dghr^ whereas our earth mull fupply this intcnrion with the quantity ofits body^buc ihis I conceive to be a needklfe conjefturcj fincc our earth if all things were well coniidered, will be found able enough to refltft as great a light, For I. Confider its opacity, if you markc thefefublunary thin^s^you fliall perceive that amongftthem^ thofethat are moft peripicuons, ^^c not (o well able to reverberate the Sunne bcames as the thicker oodles. The rayea pafl^ fir.gly Ai 2 rhrongh 1^5 /i^ 164 The difco>pery through a diaphanous mattcfjbut in an opacons (ubftance they are doubled in their rcturne and mul- tiplyed byrefl^^xion. Now if the fnoone and the other Planets can (liine fo clearely by beating bn:!66 The dijco^ery conceive, chat our earth appeares a^ brigh: to chofe other inhabi. cants IQ the MoonCj as theirs doth J CO us. Propofition 12. that tls provable there msy hee ftich Meteors beloffging to that rvorldh the Moont , oa thm m rvith uj^ PLutarch difcuflingthis point affirmes chat it U not neccffiry there Hiould be the fame meanes of growth and fruftifying in both rhefe worlds, liDce nature might in her policy findc out more waics then one how to bring about the fxiDQ cfK'ft.But however he thinks ics probable that the Af oonc her IcHe/endeth forth warnrie winds, and by the fwifcnene of her moti- on there (hould breathe out a fweer arid comfortable ayer, plca- (^m dewes and gentle moylture, which of a new World. \6 which mighc fervc for the refrc- (hingand nouriflimcnt of the in- habitants and plants in that other world. But Gncc they have all things alike with us, as (ea and land, and vaporousaycrencompalTingboch, I (hould rather therefore thinkc that nature there fliouIJ ufe the fame wa;^ of producing meteors as (he doth with us (and not by a motion as Plutarch fuppofcs) be- caufe fliee doth not love to vary from her ufuall operations with- out fomc extraordinary impsdi- mcnt, but (till kccpes her beaten path unlcfle flic be driven thence. One argument whereby I fliall maniftft this truth, may be taken from thofe new Scarrcs wh ch have appeared in divers ages ot the world, and by their paralhx have becnedifcerncd tohavcbeen above the MoonQ , foch as wa& that in Cafjiopcia, that in Sagitta- ri^V^ith many others becwixt^the Planers. Hivparchf^s in his time AI ^ rootle ^ .• m M mjivmimmmim'm^^ ■-■ftom *' Sutftrm and JupitcTy who were '^ then in conjun6i;on. You ke what flufcs !ite isdrivcnco^ how herunncs npanddovvnc toiipiiy Haninp hoUs^ that h^e nuythd 169 /■§ '-■%: JIM. I aji;«ti!|ijjWl|i.l.lJijW:»»y^ fpi.li., I.W)i;i • -— ' ' , yo The Difcoyery JE/?ij2.95. fomc ihelter, and infteadof the ftrengcli ofreafon^he anfwcrB with a iTJultitudc of words, thinking Cas the Provcrbe is) that hee may uft haileg when hee hach no zhujy. ^/^t;^ efi tncerto^ fedem modo nfz* I nnte^modo producente. '' What '^ can there bee more unfeemely " in one that (hould be a fake " difpucantj then to be now here, ^« now therc^ and fo uncertainc, « rhat one cannot tell where to ^' find him. He thinkes that there are not Comets in the heavens, becaufc there may be many other reafons of fuch appearances, but whathcknowes nor, perhaps (he faics) that argnment from the pa- rallax is not fufticient^ or if it bf, then there may be fomc deceit in the obfervauon. To this I may fafclyfayj that heemiy juftlyb^ acconnted a VweakeMathemacici- an who miftfulls the ftrength of this argament, nor can hee knov/ iruch in Afl:ronomy,who under- ftands. of a new World, 871 1 11 ilands not the parallax,which is the foundation of that Scicnce^and I am furc that hec is a timorous man, who dcirei not believe the frequent experience ofhisfenie?^ ortrultto ademonftntion. True indeed, I grant cis pofHbk, that the eycjj the medium^ and the diftince may al dtcclve the behol- der, but I would have him ilie;v which of all thefc was likely to caufj tn error in this obfer vatian ? Mcercly tof^y they mlghi be de- ceived is no fufficicnt anl'A'er. for bythislmighc confute ihepufi'i- onsofall Altronomer8,and « fti *mc the Ilarrcs are hard by us^ bccau(c 'cispofiible theymaybc'cjcc ived in their ob/crving that diftancc. But I forbearc any further repiy; my opinion is of chat Treatife/hat either it wasfet forch purpord' to tempt a confutation, th^t hce might (ee iheopinionotG^/i/^>« confirmed by oUicrs, or the ic was invented \vichas much hafte and " ncgh'gcnce as ic was printed, ihcrc 17 2 I The Difcoyery being in it almo(t as many ftiaks as lines. Oihcr ? thinke that theft are not any new CorascSjbut fome ancient ftarrcs that were there before, which now fhine with that unufu. all brightnelTcjby rcafon of the in- terpoficion of fuch vapors which ttoc multiply theirlighcjand fo the alteration will be here onely,and not ill the heavens. Thus AriflntU rhought the appearance ot the niilkieway wasproduccd^ for he held that there were many little IbrreSp which by their influence did conlbnily atcraft fuch a va- pour rowaids that place of hea- ven, lo ihat ir alwaics appeared vvhire* Now by the fame rcafon n»aya brighter vapor be thccaufe of thefe appearances. But how probable focver this opinion may leeme, yet if well coofidcrcdj you (hall findcic to be alcogethcr abfiird and impof- lible: lor^ I. Thelc Harres were never feene of a ne^sa \Vorld. feenc rhere before, an J cis not li ke- ly that ^ vripoiir being hii J by us can io multiply [hac liofit which could not bdoie bz ac all dif- ccrned. 2. This fuppofed vapour can- no: be either contrafted into a narrow compaflc or dikred into a broad : i. ic could noc be with j in a little Ipacc, for then that fiarre wduII not appeire with ilie fame muiriplicJ ligfic to thofc in Other climates: 2. ic cannot be a dilated vapour^ tor then other Ihire?; which vveie dilcerned through the fiuie vapour would feeme as bi[;g:is!'clut; thlsaigu- menc is the i'^me in etfc^ft with ihac of the parata^c^ as ycai may fee in this Figure. Suppofe 17^ 174 I The difcolpery IC X Snppofe A B to be a Hemi- fpheareof one earth, C D tobc the upper jMrrof the higheft re- gion, in which there might be drhor a contrafled vapour, as G, or rife a cellared one, as*H I. Sup^ pofe E F likewife to reprefcnt halfe the heavens^ wherein was this appealing Comet at K. Now I fay, that a contrafted vapour^as G could not canfe this appea- rance, beciiurcan inhabitant at M could not diicernc the fame ftarrf with of A ne-so World. With this brighmefle, but perhaps another at L, bccwixc which the vapour is direSly interpofcd.Nor could it be cauftd. by a dilated vapour, as H 1, becaufe then all the ftarres thac were difcerned through It v/ould be perceived with the fame brightnefle. Tis neceffary therefore thatthe caufcofthis appearance (houldbe I in the heavens. And this is gran- ted by rhc mod and beft Aftrono- mcrs. Bur, fay lomc, this doth not argue any nacurall alteration in thofc purer bodics^fince tis pro- bable that thcconcourfcof many little vagabond ftarres by the uni- on of their beames may caulclb great a lighr.Of this opinion were Amxagoras nnd Zcno amongft the ancienr,and Baptljla Cif^tm^BU^- canm^ wirh others amongH our moderne Aftronomcts. For, lay they, when there happens ro be a concourfe of (ome tew ftarreSj then doe many other flic unto them from all the parts of heaven like ^75 J f 5 J 6 The difcoDery like fo many Bees unto their King. Buc I. CIS not likely chat amongit [hole which wee count the fixed ftarres there (hould be any fuch unccrtaliie motions, that they can wander from all parts of the heavcns^asif Nature had ncglcfted them J or forgot to appoint rhem a determinate courfe. 7. If there be fuch a conflux of thefc^ as of Bees to their King, then what rcafon is thrre th^t they doe not ftill tarry with I tjthac fo the Comet may not be diffolvcd ? But enough of this. You may commonly fee it con- futed by many other argutnents. Others there are, who affirme thefe to be fome new created liarS;, produced by an extraordinary fu- pernaturall power. I anfwcr,true indeed, tis poifible they might be ibjbut however tis not likely they wtre fo, fince fuch appearances may be falved fome other way, whtrtforc to fly unto a miracle tor inch things, were a great in- jury to natuie^ and co derogate from / from her skilly an indi£;nirie nnich mif-becommini]; a man who profeflcs himfelte to be a Philolbpher^ Mlracuhm (diirh one) ejliiKoiantice Jfylf4?/f^ a mi- racle otten ferves for th.e recep- tacle of a lazy ignorance which any indultrious Spirit would be adiamedof, it being bnt an idle way to fiiift offthe labour of any further fearch. But here's the mi- fery of it^ v/ee firft tie our lelvcs unto ^nJfofirs\^nnci^\QS^ and then conclude, that nothin<^ could contradift them but a mi- racle.^ whereas 'twould be much better for the Common-wcallh ot learning, ifwc would i^round our Principles lacher upon the frequent experiences of our owne^ then the bare authority ot others. Some there are, who tliinkc that theie Comets are nothing elie^ but exhalations from our earthy carried up into the higher parts of theHeavai. So'Pf^^, N . Roth- -*«:■;-::.. X 178 7}cbo ?rd' •/*■ The difcoyery RotbmamHi & GaliUttSy but this is not poflible^ fince by compu- tation 'tis found that one of j them is above 300 times bigger I than the whole Globe of Landj and Water. Others therefore have thought that they did pro- ceed from the body of the Sun, and that that Planet onely is Cometarumcfpcifiaj widctan^nam emjfarii & exploratores crxuteren- tur^ brsvi ad fohm redituri : The fhop or forge of Comets iioni whence they were fent^ like fo many fpics^ that they might in fome ihort Ipace returnc againc, but this cannot bc^ fmce it fo much matter had proceeded from him alone^ it would have made a fenlible diminution in his body. The Noble Tycbo therefore thinkes that they con- lilt of fome Inch fluider parts of the Heaven, as the milkie way is framed of^ which being condenit together, yet not attaining to the ccnliltcncy of a Starre^ is in fome of a new World. 179 (onie Ipacc of time rarificd a- ^aiiie into its wonted nature. But this is not likely^ tor if there had bccne fo great a condenfa- tion as to make them (hinc fo bright, and lall: fo ]o.ng^ they ivoiild then fenlibly have moved dovvnewards towards iome cen- ter ot gravity^ becauic whatfo- ever is condenft mult ncceflTarily :n^ow heavier^ whereas thcfe ra- ther fecnied to afcend higher^ as they lafted longer. But (bmc may objeft^ that a thing may be ol the lame weighty when it is raritied^ as it had while it was condenft : fo metajls^whcn they are melted^ and when they arc cold : fo water alfo when it is h'ozen^nnd when it is fluid, doth not diiier in rei] eft of giavity. But to thcflj 1 anlv/er : Firlt^ Metalls arc wiX raritied by n'.el- ting3 but moliiicd. Secondly^, water?*, are net pr(;per]y rondePi- ied, but congealed into a harder iiibttancep the parts being not iM 2 CO]^.- Ail I •>78 De Comet, Afofog' Meteor, L 5. f. 2. loba?/.Fabr. \dcnel,ijiyr. The diJcoDery ! contrafted clofcr together^ but itili poirdring the lime cxten- UOIl. And bcfidc^ what likely caufc can wc conceive of this condcn* fation^ iinlcire there be Inch qua- lities there^ as there are in our ayre^ and then why may not the Planets have the like qualities, as our earth ? and if fo^ then 'tis more probable that they are made by the ordinary way of nature^ as they are with us, and conlilt of exhalations from the bodies of the Planets. Nor is this a Hngular opinion 5 but it feemed moft likely to CamiUpu GlorJofus, Th, CampaffcUay Fro* tnofidHj^ With fomc others. But if you aske whither all thefe ex- halations fhall returnc^ I anfwer, every one into his ownc Planet : ii" it be againe objeftcd, that then there will be ib many cen- ters ot gravity^ and each ieverall Planrt will be a diilinft world ; Ireply^ ptihaps all of them arc fo :-i'lLi M of a new World. Co except the Sunue^ though Cufmus thinkes there is onealib^ and later times havediicovered feme leflcr Planets moving round about him. But as tor Saturne^ he hath two Mooncs on each fide, Jufiter hatli foiirc, that incircle his body with their motion. Venus is obftrved to increale and decreafe as the Moone, M^rs^ and all the relt, derive their light f' om the Sunne onely. Concerning Mercury^ there hath bcenc little or noob- fcrvation, becaule for the mod artj he lies hid under the Sunne eames^and ieldomcappeares by himfelfe. So that if you conli- der their quantity ^their opacity^ or thefc other difcoverics^ you fhall finde it probable enough^ that each of them niay bca le- verall world. But this would be too much for to vent atthcHrrt. the chicfe thing at which I now ayme in this difcourfcj is to N 3 prove 179 I 18 DC meteor* Art. 6, \ The difcoyery prove tlvit there may be one in the Moone. It hath bccne before confir- med that there was a fpheareof thicke vaporous aireencompaf- in^ the Moone. as thefirftand fccond regions doe this earth. I have now fhcwcd, that thence fuch exhalations may procecdc as dec produce the Comets : now from hence it may probably follow^ that there may be wind alfoandraine^ with fuch other Meteors as arc common amongft us. This confequencc is (ode- pendant^ that Fromondus dares nut deny it, though hee would (as hee contelTes hirnfelfc) for if the Sunne be able to exhale 1-rom ri crn Inch tumes as may caufc Corner?^ why not then fiichas may caufe winds^ and why not liich alio as caufe raine^ iince 1 have above fhewed^ that tlierc is Sea and Land as with us. Now raine fcemes to be more clpcci.Jly requificc for them, lincc of A nen> World. fince it may allay the heate and fcorchings of the Siinnc^ when he is over their heads. And na- ture hath thus provided for thofe inPerti^ with the other inhabi- tants under the line. But if there be fuch grcat^ and frequent alterations intheHea- vcns^ why cannot wee diicerne them ? I andver : I . There may be fuch^and we not able to perceive them^ be- caufe of the weaknefle of our cyc^ and the diftance of thofe places from US5 they are the words of Fient4s^diS they are quoted by FrO' m$ndt$s in the above cited place) Pojfwit maxim t -pmnmatioms in coelo fieri^ cdam/ia mbii no7i confpi* cis^mr^ hoc vijus nojln debiUtM & imnjenfj cceli dijiantia facin^it. And unto liim alfcnts Fromondus himfelfe^ v/hen a little after hcc faies. Si tnfphd^ris flamtarum dc- genmus^ plurima forfan coslejiiHm yicbalammvdkretoto Atben paffim N 4 did^crla 185 ^. n — :^■^*"" I8^ DJjfer. 1. The difcoyery | , I — .. ■ fc, ■ ■ . ■ » . ^ ^ , 1 ^ifperfa vidcrcmnf, quorum Jjfuies \ jam iVjncfcU nimia Jpatii iftter^] cup^dine. '^ IFux did live in the \ ^'fphearcs of the Planets^ wee ^^ \m dk r^aiah Chripi^ cbjttvjvi dare hi lu.iafolifu^pofita^ qHidpl-- &m quod v^lJe j)rch^f id ifftm ^uidComctit qurr^ dr maCiik l'>^ lares urgeht^ mm^c co:Uin:non ijfs ^■' T ( 1 86 I Tbe Difcoyery atcfsuitate & variattonibus atrU exemptam^ nam circa Lurddmad" verti effe fph^ram feu or hem (jueri" dam vaporofum^ non fecHS at^ cir-* cum tettAm^ <^^^o^^ [icHt ex terra in alicjuam uf^ jphjtram vaporet & (xhdationes expiranty itaquoj^ex luna. ^^ In that late folary eclipfc '^ which happened on Chrift- " mas day.^ when the Moone was ^^ jiift under the Sunne^ I plainly ^difcerned that in her which 'may clearely confirme what ^^the Comets and Sunne (pots ^Moe feeme to prove^ viz.tlut the heavens are not folidj Sior freed from thofe changes ^Svhichour aire is liable unto^ for about the Moone I percei- ved filch an orbe of vaporous " aire as that is which doth en- compaife our earthy andasva- ^ pours and exhalations^ are rai- led from cur e.irth into this /lii'c^ fo are they alfo from ^' the Moone. You ice what probable . grounds of a nen;? World. grounds and plaine tcftimonies I have brought for the confirma- tion of this Propofition : many other things iji this behalfe might be fpoken^ vvhicli for brevity lake I now omit^ and palle unto the next* twcr ■•MatffttfU^a Propofition 15. Thatyis provable there may be in-' habitants in this other fVorld but of what k^nde ihej ate is un-- cenaine^ I Have already handled the Seafons and Meteors belong- ing to this new World: 'tis re- quifitc that in the next place! Ihould come unto the third thing which I promifed^ and to j (uy fomewhat of the inlubi- j tants^ concerning whom theie ! might be many difficult quelU- { ons rai fed^ as whether that place I be more inconvenient for habita- 1 tion 187 iS6 Ve dc^. c, iz. t- T/;^ Di/coy^ry tlon then our World (as KepUr thinkcs) whether they arc the feed of ^^^1^5 whether they are therein a blefTed elhite^ orelfe what mcanes there may be for their (alvation^ with many o- ther fiich uncertaine enquiries, which I (hall willingly omit, leaving it to their examinatiorij who have more Icifure and learning for the fearch of fiich particulars. Being for mine own part con- tent only to fet downe fuch notes belonging unto thele which I have observed in other Writers. Cum tota ilia regio nobis ignptafzt^ remanent inhabitatons illi ignoti pcmtur^ (faith C/jr/i;i^J iincevve knov/ not the regions of that place, wee muft be altogether ignorant of the inhabitants. There hath not yet becne any inch difcovery concerningthcfc, upon which wee may build a certainty, or good probability ; well may wee gucfle at them, and that that too very doubtfully^ but we can know nothings for if we doe hardly guefle aright at things which be upon earthy if with labour wee doe finde the thingjs that are at hand^ how then can wee (earch out thofc things that are in Heaven ? What a little is that which wcc know ? in re- fpeft of thofc many matters contained within this great Uiiiverfej this whole globe of earth and water? though it i'eemetous to be t f a large ex- tent^ yet it bcaies not lo nreat a proportion unto the whole frame of Nature, as a finall fluid doth unto it; and what can (iich little cre.uures as wee difccrnc^ who aie u:d to this point of earth ? or what can they in the Mo- wc know of us ? It wee under(t»>)^d any th'vm (faith Efdrdi) 'lis nothing but that which is upon the earth, andhee that dwdleth above in the Heavens^ may onclyunder- Uand Wifd.9.i^- iErJ.4.^a ■/ --#; ipo The di/co)?ery »^mm ftaiui the things that arc above in the heighth of the heavens. So that 'twere a very necdc' leffe thine, for us^ to (carch after any particula/s^ however, wccj may t^ucirc in thej^cnerali^ that there arc fomc inhabitans in that Planet: for why elfedidj Providence furniih that place' with ill! fuch conveniences ofi habitation as have beenc above! declared ? But you will iliy^ pcjhaps, is there not too great and intol- lerable a heatCj lince the Sunnc is in their Zinith every monedij and doth tarry their lb long be- fore heel eaves it? lanfwer^ i. This niay^ per- haps, be remedied (as it is under the line) by the frcqucncie of mid-day fliowers^ which may cloud their Sunne^ and coole their earth: 2. The equality of 'their nights doth much temper the fcorching of the day^ and the extreme cold that comes from of a neyp World. 191 from the onc^ require feme fpacc before it can be difpelled by the other^ lb that the hcate ijien- ding a great while before it can have the viftory^ hath not af- terwards much time to ra^re in, Wherforc notwithftanding thi% yet that phtce may remaine ha- bitable. And this was the opi- nion of the Cardinal de cufa^ when fpcaking of this Planet^ he faies^ Hie locus Mundi ejl ha- bitat io hominnm & animit/mm atij^ vegttahilitim. ^^ This part of the ''^ world is inhabited by men and '•'beads, and Planets. To liim aflented Campamllj^ but hcc can- not determine whether there wereraen, or rather fomc other kindeot creatures. If they were men, then he thinkes they could not be infefted with J^dzms linne ; yet^ perhaps^ they had fome ot their owne^ which might make them liable to the fame mifery with m^ out ot which^ perhaps^ they were de- livered /''■ j 190 EplM* lo. iCol.i.io. l^jc dl/co )?ery livcred by the lame means as vVc the death oi Chnll:^ and thus he thinkcs that place of the Epbe-. (iarjs may be interpreted^ where the Apoltle laies^ God gathered all things together tn ChriJ}^ hil) n>kuh are in earthy and u>hfch are in the heavens *: So alio that ot the fame Apoftle ^0 the Colojfizns^ where hee (aies^ that itpteajed the Father to reconcile aH thtngs unto himfelfe hy Chi\}^ whether they be things in earthy or t hirjgs in h eaven , But I dare not jcrt with Di- vine triithcs. or apply thefe pla- ces according as tancy direfts. As I thinke this opinion doth not any wherecontradift Scrip- ture^ ^o I thinke likcwife, that it cannot be proved from it, wherefore CarKpariellas fccond conjcftiirc may be more pro- b.ib]e^ that the inhabitants of that world, arc not men as wee i^i'e, but fome other kindc of creatures which bearc Ibmepro- ;__ portion of a new World. 195 portion and likcnefle to our na- tures ^ and ^«/i^/^ too thinkes they differ from us in many re- Tpefts ; I will fef; downe his words as they may bee found in the abovecited place^ S^f^f-- camtu in regtone folU mJgii ejfe faUres^ claros (^ illamhatof intd- lei} Hares habit at ores ^ (phjtualiores etijm qitam in h{»a^ ubi magis hi- mxici^ &t?j terra y wagis materi' ateSy & crafty nt iUi melle^udis niiHi'£ folates jint multHm in aSu & f arum in potemia ; terrini verb mx^is in potentsa j c^ parttm hi a[iii y lunar es in medijfiff&fi.:>/tes^ Hoc quidem opnamur ex i J?/iljres mundia^ I ks Hyiitis untverji 3 qi4ot fu7itjiei fclves^ then are they againc to be iniprifoned in a body^othcrwife thcyiemaine in the Moonetill their body be refolved into it^ k the undcrlhnding being cleared iixmiaJl impediments 5 afccnds to the Sunne v/hich is its pro- per place. But this requires a di- ver fe fpace of time according to the divers affefticns of the foiile. Astorthofcwho havebcene rc- tiicdandhonelhaddiftingthcm- felves to a itudious and quiet life^ theie are quickly preferred to a hitdicr of A neyp World. 199 higher happincfle. But as for (iich who have bulled thenifelves in many broyles ^ or have beene vehement in the profccution of any luft, as the ambitious^ the a- morons, the wrathful! man^ thcfe ftill rctaine the glimples and dreames of fuch things as they have performed in their bodies^ which makes them either altoge- ther unht to remaine ^;here where they are^or elie keepes them long ere they can put off their foules. Thus you fee p/utarchf opini- on concerning the inhabitants and neij^hbours of the Moonc, which (^according to the man- ner of the Acadcmickes ) hee delivers in a thi:d pcrfon ; you fee he makes that Planet an intc- riou;' kind of heaven^^and though hee diifcr in nv.iny ciicumlhin- ces 5 yet doth hee defcribc it to be Icmefiich place ^ aswecfup- pofe Paradife to be. You fee likewife his opinion concer- ning the place of dimned fpi- O 4 rits^ fe' V zoo De chit. Dei. lib. iz ^s\'Xl The difcoyery ■ ■■■■■ ■■■iw.. — nil , . m, , 11^ litSj that it is in the middle regi- on of the aire , and in neither of the(c ishce fingular^ but fonie more late and Orthodox Wri* ters have agreed with hinit As for t!ic place o!: hell, many thinkcit may be in the aire.as well as any where el fe. True indeed^ Saint Apijlin af- firmes that this place cannot bee difcovered ; But others there are who can fhew the lltuation ot it out of Scripture • Some holding it to bee in fome other world without this^ becaufe our Saviour calls it a-tjir®- i^eirxes^^ ontward darkencfle.But the molt will have it placed towards the Center of our earthy becaufe 'tis higher aire. Fori:he(e and fuch like confiderations have fomany affirmed that Paradife v. a in a high elevated place^ vvhich'ion^e'' have conceived coiltd bee no where but in theMooilet'^For it I X06 Gcn.T.i^. The diJcoy>ery -^ ■■ ■■ - ^"^-^^ — - it could not be in the top of any moiiiitiine^nor cm we thinkeof any other body ieparated from this earth wliich can bee a more convenient place for habitation than thisPLnct^ therefore they concluded that it ivas there. It could not bee on the top of any mountaine. 1. Becaufe wee have exprcfle Scripture, that the highclt of them was ovcrfiovv^ed. 2. Becaufe it muil bee of a greater extenlion, and not fonie Imall patch of ground^ {\ncQ 'tis likely all mcafhould havelived there, if ^irf^w had not fell. But for afitisfaftionof thefe argu- ments, together with a farther difcourfe of Paradiie, I fball re- fcrre you to thoft who have written purpofely upon this lubjca:. Being content for my owne part to have fpoken fo muchofit, as may conduce to Ihew the opinion of others con- cerning the inhabitants of the Moone of a ne-^ World, | 107 Moone^ Idarc notmyfelfeaf-l tirme any thing of thcfe SeJc- nitcsj bccaufe i know not any ground whereon to build any! probable opinion- But I thinkcj that future ages will difcover morc^ and our pollerity^ per haps 5 may invent fomc meanes for our better acquaintance with thefe inhabitants. Tistheme-f thod of providence not pirfoit- ly to (hew us all^ but to lead us a long from the knowledge of one j thing to another. Twa? a great while ere the Planers were di- ! ftingui(hcd from the fixr.J Stars, I and fometiine after tha: ere the \ morning and evening It ine v. x. c found to bee the farr.e^ and in greater fpace I doubt not bur this | alfb^ and farrc greater mylicficsJ will bee difcovered. In the tirll: I ages of* the world the Liindcrsj either thought thcmiclves to be ^ the oncly dwellers upon the; earth 5 or elft if there were any \ other 5 yet they could not pol^ I fibly i :J ao8 Thedijcopery fibly conceive how they might have any commerce with them^ being fevered by the deepeand broad Sca^ but the after-times found out the invention of fliips^^ in which notwithiiandingnone but feme bold daring men durft venture 5 there being few fo re- Ibkite as to commie thcmfclves unto the vafte Ocean 5 and yet now how eafie a thing is this^ even to a timorous & coivardly nature?So5perhaps^there may be fome other meanes invented for a conveyance to the Moone^and though it may feeme a terrible and impolTible thing ever to paffi through the varte (paces of the aire^yet no queftion there would bee fome men who durlt venture this as well as the other. True indeed 5 I cannot conceive any poffiblemeanes for the likedif- coveryof this coujefturej fince there c?,n bee no (ailing to the Moone^ unlefTe that were true which the Poets doe bu.: feigne^ that mm mmmmm^mm i^».<»- oja mw World, ■lJjilMt.LJ, jjI'tH- ..J,.!,! I ^ I ^ that flie^ made her bed in the Sea. We have not now any T>ui^ or Olumbuf to undertake this voyage^pr any^DddslM to invent a conveyance through the aire. However ^ I doubt not but that time who is ftijl tbj father of WW truths 5 and Jiath reveakd unto us many things which Qur Ancefioura were ignorant of 5 will alfo nianifbft to our pofterity^ that which wee now dejirej, but c^nnet knovy. I^^mf Umf;fs (faith SeK0Ca)^U9 ifla qn^ nunc latent 9 in Inc&m dies txtrahet & lofigiorU Avi dtUgemia. Ti nie wi]l come when the indea- vour5 of afrer-agcs ftiall bring fijch thing? to light 5 as now lie hid in ohCcmity. Arts are not yet come to their Solftice ^ but thelnduftry of fmuie times af-! filled with the labours of their foixfatheri^jmay reach unto that height which wee could not at- taine to. Ver^iei fempjtrtftiop^^* ^ pri flpflri no$ tarn